spend in a sentence 3

Use ‘spend’ in a sentence | ‘spend’ example sentences

101- He devotes too much time to his job, he should spend more time with his family.

102- Find someone who likes to spend his/her leisure time practising sports.

103- lenientSophie is a real perfectionist, and will spend hours working on a single drawing.

104- Studies show that Canadians spend $2.

105- 3 billion annually on brewed coffee.

106- Too many people spend their lives striving for the attainment of material wealth.

107- It is important to drink plenty of liquids when you spend time out in the hot sun.

108- My sister and her husband spend every summer in their cottage on the Gatineau River.

109- The animals spend their entire lives in tiny pens before being slaughtered for food.

110- The flexible hours of my new job have enabled me to spend more time with my children.

111- Salmon are a unique fish, in that they spend their lives in both fresh and salt water.

112- I think it’s a good idea to spend some time apart so you can see each other differently.

113- This is a horror staple young men and women spend a night of terror in an isolated house.

114- His mother was seriously injured in a car accident, and had to spend a month in the hospital.

115- The new section chief seems to spend most of his time finding fault with the work of his men.

116- Please limit the time you spend on the computer to 30 minutes so that other students can use it.

117- The government needs to spend this surplus judiciously so that there is no increase in the debt.

118- If you continue to spend more money than we are bringing in, you will bankrupt us within a year.

119- They live on the coast of Oregon and usually spend their weekends kayaking in the Pacific Ocean.

120- Kids need to spend time outdoors in order to develop an appreciation for the beauties of nature.

121- They bought a cute little two-bedroom cottage on the lake where they plan to spend their summers.

122- My boss always hassles me to work overtime, but I’d rather spend the time with my family and friends.

123- He doesn’t spend much time with his family because his career is the most important thing in his life.

124- They have a cottage on the lake, and they spend a good part of their summer vacation there every year.

125- The boy drifted into crime because his parents never seemed to care about him, or spend time with him.

126- I don’t like to work overtime because my number one priority in life is to spend time with my children.

127- People are advised not to give money to beggars because they usually just spend it on alcohol and drugs.

128- Every male in Singapore over the age of 18 is obliged to spend two and a half years in the armed forces.

129- There is almost no limitation on the number of hours you can spend on the computers in the computer lab.

130- You need to plan your trip to South America carefully so that you don’t spend all your money too quickly.

131- My daughter relishes the idea of getting a part-time job, and having her own money to spend as she wants.

132- The amount of money the government earns in taxes determines the amount of money it can spend on welfare.

133- Shell Oil recently pledged to spend up to $1 billion on renewable energy sources over the next five years.

134- Many people who are dying choose to spend their remaining days at home with the people they know and love.

135- He had to master a lot of new information and spend some of his own time in different parts of the country.

136- The fact that the job allowed him the flexibility to spend time with his newborn baby was the real clincher.

137- One important indicator of quality of life is the proportion of income one has to spend in order to buy food.

138- The child had to spend extended periods with a special assistant to help him get over his reading difficulties.

139- Women in Niger spend much of their time hauling water, gathering firewood, and doing numerous household chores.

140- The diver had to spend time in a decompression chamber because he had risen to the surface a little too quickly.

141- Travelers to that part of the world tend to be young people who don’t want to spend a lot of money on souvenirs.

142- It has been estimated that the typical American will spend an average of 2 years of his/her life reading newspapers.

143- Every male in Singapore over the age of 18 is obliged to spend two and a half years in one branch of the armed forces.

144- The government has introduced legislation to compel public buildings to spend a certain amount of their budget on art.

145- Her boss was always asking her to work overtime, but she refused because she prefers to spend the time with her family.

146- Discussion question: Do you think it is a good idea for governments to spend trillions of dollars on missions to Venus and Mars?Many people who have a terminal illness choose to spend their remaining days at home with the people they know and love.

147- Professional athletes now receive ridiculously high salaries, which no one could even begin to spend in a normal lifetime.

148- As stars use up their fuel, they swell rapidly and spend a short time as giant stars 10 to 1000 times the size of our sun.

149- Her brother had to spend the night in jail after being stopped for drunken driving on the way home from a New Year’s party.

150- When my children were babies, they would spend the entire day running around naked in our backyard when the weather was hot.

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