sourced in a sentence 2

Use ‘sourced’ in a sentence | ‘sourced’ example sentences

51- Locally sourced – Many businesses insist on using locally-sourced fare (some from in-house farms).

52- Some of Blumenthal’s emails contained intelligence sourced to a former CIA official, Tyler Drumheller.

53- International news is sourced primarily from international news agencies .

54- Marina-sourced gearboxes were used in the MG Midget 1500 version.

55- The melons are sourced from Brazil, Honduras, Guatemala and Costa Rica.

56- The landed gentry from whom the school sourced its pupils were disappearing.

57- The image is sourced by endnotes and not specific footnotes, and permission for reproduction on Wikipedia has not been requested as Michelli’s site has no contact information.

58- Managers from Dowden until Batsford sourced to: Jones, Marc.

59- sourced from Scottish Business Insider, January editions 1991-1998 (inc) and 2000-2004 (inc).

60- All are sourced with the shop’s principles in mind, with a focus on local, organic and fair-trade.

61- References ;General *CONCACAF Champions League and Champions Cup results sourced to: Torres, Steven.

62- Black coal sourced from Tarong and Newcastle constitute the bulk of black coal currently exported by Australia.

63- Indian Air Force, sourced from fair use rationale text: This image, Mirage2000H.

64- More reliably sourced data appreciated – if you have links, please add them on my talk page and I’ll update my spreadsheet and the graph.

65- The guide also states that the company still needs to report the amount of recycled plastic sourced as a percentage of all plastics used.

66- The focus is on Sydney-specific programming with some programs sourced from interstate community channels and from professional program makers.

67- The focus is on WA-based programming, although some programs are sourced from interstate community channels and from other professional program makers world-wide.

68- The Body Shop claims its products are “inspired by nature” and they feature ingredients such as marula oil and sesame seed oil sourced through the Community Fair Trade program.

69- This merchandise is sourced from suppliers based locally and overseas.

70- The code for is also open sourced and available at GitHub as well.

71- ” The Gazetteer sourced this information from the Bombay Gazette of 1 July 1906.

72- The Bangladesh train consists of Indonesian sourced coaches & Indian sourced locos.

73- This is more complete, but contains information sourced from all over the internet.

74- L. Balch, 1856) 26 Notably, many of the musicians in his band were sourced from Germany.

75- Technical Deficiencies This section is largely sourced from the book Air Crash, Volume One by Macarthur Job.

76- Home loans are also sourced through HDFC Sales, HDFC Bank Limited and other third party Direct Selling Agents (DSA).

77- LCMS was one of the first open sourced CMS systems and is currently the only one with a GUI.

78- The Erakov bridge featured granite pools for drinking from,Clarify with the water being sourced from the Ligovsky Canal.

79- The GNU Gatekeeper (abbreviated as GnuGk) is an open-sourced project that implements an H.323 gatekeeper based on the OpenH323 or H323Plus stack.

80- The cars came with different engines, interiors, and other components because vehicles made in Mexico had to have at least 50% locally sourced parts.

81- In 1891 Henry Jones established a jam factory in which he began to manufacture preserved jams and spreads using locally sourced high quality fruit produce.

82- ” Engines were sourced from J.A.P. during the first year, and then an engine of ESO’s own after 1950, first copied from J.A.P. and later of their own design.

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