solicited in a sentence 2

Use ‘solicited’ in a sentence | ‘solicited’ example sentences

51- Price’s work was cited at the Scopes Trial of 1925, yet although he frequently solicited feedback from geologists and other scientists, they consistently disparaged his work.

52- Siddiqui solicited money for the Al Kifah Refugee Center.

53- Cook invested his own money and solicited investment from his friends.

54- Dorland solicited advertising from Atlantic City hotels for Philadelphia and New York newspapers.

55- More scholarships and financial supports for the academic development and other faculty development programs were solicited.

56- Luke solicited around to different people in the music business asking for demo’s from unknown artists.

57- The opinions and suggestions of tribal members are solicited during these meetings and are incorporated into the decision-making process.

58- The library board secretary in 1902 solicited funds from the foundation, which eventually contributed $20,000 to build a public library building.

59- Quafijinivon solicited the Hork-Bajir and the Animorph’s help, and they traveled to the Hork-Bajir world to help the dying Arn create Hork-Bajir in his lab.

60- Maxime is increasingly solicited to endorse and speak on behalf of charities and NGOs across the region and beyond: *Oum El Nour Lorient Le Jour(June 30th,2006 ).

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