solemnized in a sentence

Use ‘solemnized’ in a sentence | ‘solemnized’ example sentences

1- Every marriage is solemnized with great ceremony.

2- Of course, such marriages are not solemnized following tribal custom.

3- What is the law under which marriage is solemnized ?

4- This incident was even solemnized by another covenant ceremony!

5- Jupiter’s word is solemnized with a wedding banquet.

6- The marriage is solemnized under Foreign Marriage Act 1969.

7- The wedding was later solemnized on 6 June in Florence.

8- Only one officiant may sign the marriage certificate as solemnized .

9- Since that time however Pentecost Monday is no longer solemnized .

10- The marriage was later solemnized in the Salt Lake Temple.

11- Marriages are also solemnized here on a large scale.

12- This affection eventually solemnized in the form of a rakhi symbolically.

13- Certain procedural formalities are to be completed before the marriage is solemnized .

14- The marriage was solemnized by Quezon City Mayor Herbert Bautista.

15- The first marriages were solemnized on 7 December but have been annulled as unconstitutional.

16- It is here that kings of Nepal are crowed and their coronations solemnized .

17- The marriage was solemnized much against the wishes of many relatives and friends from both sides.

18- Their marriage was solemnized a day before Amavasya in the month of Phalgun.

19- Rev. Roger Lynn, a Methodist minister, solemnized their marriage on September 3.

20- He was also “long a justice of the peace, and solemnized many marriages”.

21- Every marriage solemnized in this state in violation of this section shall be null and void.

22- The wills are written in Dutch; their weddings were solemnized in the Dutch Reformed Church.

23- The marriage will be solemnized by the priest with the holy water of the Lampra puja.

24- Clarissa’s cult of self is the branch of a theme–humanity solemnized , historiated, fabulous.

25- Those unions require a ceremony, solemnized by either religious clergy or civil officials, to be deemed valid.

26- Their union was solemnized in 1891 and two children have been born to them, Almeda and Stanley.

27- Marriages between Filipino citizens abroad may be solemnized by consuls and vice-consuls of the Republic of the Philippines.

28- This was the manner in which her Immaculate Concep tion was solemnized after the Ascension of her divine Son.

29- She prepared for it during forty days from the day on which She solemnized the Resurrection of her Son.

30- The adoption of the Constitution of 1975 by the newly elected Hellenic Parliament solemnized the new era of democratic governance.

31- The Lord Himself solemnized the first marriage pertaining to this globe, and pertaining to flesh and bones here upon this earth.

32- It was recognized by the Vatican, as their wedding was solemnized in accordance with the Catholic Church’s religious rites.

33- Marriages contracted under the provisions of this act, shall be solemnized as provided by the laws of this Nation or otherwise null and void.

34- Registration of a marriage: Marriages that were solemnized abroad are considered valid in Finland if the marriage is applicable in the country it was performed in, however only after it has been registered to the Finnish Population Register.

35- As for the country, solemnized by the war and inspired by its success, it has learned what it did not know at first and that is, what it is fighting for.

36- Such were the religious ceremonies with which Philip celebrated his escape from shipwreck, and his marriage with Isabella of France, immediately afterwards solemnized .

37- While Buddhists and Hindus never demand that a couple must belong to the same religion before a marriage can be solemnized , many others tend to take advantage of this tolerance.

38- Drawing, however, on Xenophon, he solemnized the economic aspect of a great expenditure turning it into an ethical virtue.

39- His earlier marriage which occurred at a very young age could not have been solemnized after engagement.

40- The wife now takes her rightful place on the left side of her husband as the marriage is now religiously solemnized in its entirety.

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