so-there in a sentence 2

Use ‘so there’ in a sentence | ‘so there’ example sentences

51- Criminologists believe that the reduction in violent crime in this country is due to the fact that our population is aging, and our birth rate is down, so there are fewer people of the age that most commonly commit crimes.

52- But we also can’t accept the whole world, so there are some limits.”

53- “Inglis is 19, Jaron Morgan is 19 so there’s some young ones there.”

54- so there‘s an outreach expert who knows the field and knows the people.

55- Many kids thrive with hands-on learning, so there should be more of that.

56- so there was only the top and not the bottom,” Zambernardi said backstage.

57- so there‘s one explanation for Trump’s success, and Jeb Bush’s weak launch.

58- so there‘s a way of organizing space and time that is very different in VR.

59- so there are whole new ways we can think about interacting with the world.”

60- so there‘s a willingness to wait to see who will run for the GOP nomination.

61- so there’s a couple things we’re doing, but he’s a terrific football player.

62- 822429The windows were air-tight, so there was nowhere for the gas to go.”””

63- so there‘s a lot of things you need to consider before you make it that way.”

64- so there we have it, a quick whistle stop tour beyond the realms of facebook.

65- They’re very bold about the things they do, so there’s a lot of issues there.

66- He don’t have a friend one in the world, so there won’t be nobody showing up.

67- “The boys wanted top 10, so there is a bit of disappointment,” Brubaker said.

68- so there‘s a lot of volatility here that’s embedded in the crisis, Weiss said.

69- so there are other drugs that are still available, and they will turn to those.

70- so there‘s no better place to be a young startupper than Switzerland, it seeMs. “so there’s stories there, and I think it’s going to be quite an amusing book.”

71- “We can manage every one of those symptoms so there is no suffering,” she said.

72- Staples is representing himself so there is no lawyer to comment on his behalf.

73- For the month-to-date, the Dow is down 2.6%, so there is some catching up to do.

74- “Which is not surprising, because it’s a big market so there‘s a desire to compete.

75- Duhamel is four-foot-11 and Radford is 6-2, so there is a significant size difference.

76- There’s still one hole to play, so there is nothing yet but I hope we can add a point.

77- The committee hopes to expand that number, so there will volunteers across the Island.

78- so there have been headwinds and we’ve tried to use monetary policy to overcome them.”

79- 746200The MAX started a year late relative to the neo, so there is a catch-up phase.”

80- From the age of five or six you’re in a leotard so there‘s not a lot of places to hide.

81- “The family becomes health care workers so there’s been spread now to family,” he said.

82- There was debt associated with it and so there was a lot of, “What are you going to do?”

83- so there‘s people coming and going all the time, people drinking water, stuff like that.

84- “I started really nicely and finished really nicely, so there were a lot of good things.

85- But the smell seemed to come and go, so there was not much cause for concern, said Byford.

86- 235839“For that exact reason, so there wouldn’t be any confusion about what was going on.

87- The vehicle will then extend the tethers a bit so there isn’t too much tension on the rope.

88- so there will be more room for SMEs from different segments,” Nathanael van der Kolks said.

89- Don’t worry, it was on newsstands all week, so there’s no such thing as late to this party.

90- Well, again, like their Elite brethren, good doesn’t mean perfect, so there are things to do.

91- B: I know of a pet hotel that has an excellent reputation, so there shouldn’t be any probleMs. “We’ve been driving a similar car which is 10 seconds faster, so there are different opinions.

92- It’s a small unit so there will only be four staff nurses and a doctor there on Christmas Day.

93- The Canadian Red Cross says no one was home at the time of the fire, so there were no injuries.

94- so there will be questions with this additional package that is being proposed by Labour today.

95- so there‘s less involvement by police, who are driven to respond by the community’s complaints.

96- No MLS team gave up fewer goals than the Sounders in 2015, so there’s no need to go crazy here.

97- 420746It was accounted for in the 2015 budget so there won’t be any impact in 2016,”” he said.”

98- so there is potential that people will take our horn and re-label it as wild horn,” said Markus.

99- 909932We like interesting physics; that’s why we’re physicists, so there‘s no problem with that.

100- It’s been a long time, Liam, and he still has not fulfilled his potential so there must be doubts.

More Sentences: 1234
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