snippets in a sentence 2

Use ‘snippets’ in a sentence | ‘snippets’ example sentences

51- Dynamic snippets consist of fixed text combined with dynamic elements.

52- HTML support was limited to small snippets that could be included with the page.

53- ” A video piece entitled Hurricane provides background laughter in combination with snippets of Bach.

54- The 7″ vinyl single features the full length version of “The Loss Adjuster,” which appeared on the album as two short snippets.

55- 1988 * The Decline of Western Civilization Part II: The Metal Years documentary film – interview snippets of Alice throughout the film.

56- These webisodes were released online weekly on their YouTube page and featured snippets of tracks from their upcoming album.

57- Here you can read about techniques and strategies, browse info on many bots, find source code (both code snippets and complete competitive bots), ask for help and more.

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