snipers in a sentence

Use ‘snipers’ in a sentence | ‘snipers’ example sentences

1- Said snipers are jailed down the street.

2- British forces returned fire and killed five snipers .

3- The roster includes both snipers and explosives technicians.

4- IDF snipers used abandoned houses as firing positions.

5- Among those killed were allegedly three Iranian snipers .

6- Historically, captured snipers are often summarily executed.

7- This created easy targets for mortars and snipers .

8- Civilian snipers were executed on the spot.

9- This is why snipers have a significant advantage.

10- Taliban snipers have themselves caused problems for coalition forces.

11- This rifle was mostly used by Confederate snipers .

12- Special military forces were guarding the roof, including snipers .

13- Civil Guard snipers may possess one rifle.

14- More snipers , more truck bombs, more fear.

15- Then came military service and a training film on snipers .

16- It was comforting to learn that serial snipers weren’t normal.

17- Some players choose the waiting game… the snipers .

18- There are even enemy snipers placed in the roof.

19- A witness told Reuters he saw ” snipers on roofs.

20- A later scene involved having the car shot at by snipers .

21- Soldiers contended that Hamas snipers had targeted the aid workers.

22- He also stated he saw tanks and snipers nearby.

23- Later, in a building opposite were found maturation snipers .

24- During negotiations, snipers were deployed in the vicinity.

25- Chávez supporters claimed that unidentified snipers were responsible for the deaths.

26- They set up snipers in strategic locations with sniper rifles.

27- The snipers are cornered, however, and are killed.

28- snipers frequently score more goals than assists.

29- US snipers were observed on rooftops around the surrounding areas.

30- To demoralize enemy troops, snipers can follow predictable patterns.

31- Artillery spotters were an especially prized target for snipers .

32- snipers target civilians in areas where rebels have positions .

33- Enemy snipers kill three of the mercenaries, including the leader.

34- U.S. troops working in support of Iraqi soldiers killed two snipers .

35- Three were shot by snipers , but the fourth succeeded.

36- They had Marine snipers coming on in the end.

37- Often in situations with multiple targets, snipers use relocation.

38- Residents said they saw snipers deployed on rooftops.

39- In this case snipers in the trees overhead served as observers.

40- It seemed to Phil that Japanese snipers were everywhere. 235567For snipers, it’s always about watching and waiting on a target.

41- Here is a look at Christopher Kyle and other successful snipers in history.

42- We joined the unit of reconnaissance soldiers, snipers and other specialists.

43- Worse are the snipers — another human being looking at you, trying to kill you.

44- 669997That’s not Louis Bravo or any of the other snipers I have spoken with either.

45- Riot police in masks with snipers‘ rifles with silencers, the whole caboodle,” he added on Twitter.

46- ;Episode 17 – Watch for snipers (狙撃注意) Putin stops the car at a roadblock, which is a trap by the police to kill them with sniper rifles.

47- snipers zero their weapons at a target range or in the field.

48- The base is defended with the help of the snipers in the unit.

49- In general, all scout and snipers were trained in scouting and patrolling.

50- Five civilians were killed by British Army snipers who were in a timber yard.

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