snipe in a sentence

Use ‘snipe’ in a sentence | ‘snipe’ example sentences

1- Many couples snipe about bills , frivolous spending and bad investments.

2- snipes published what were deemed to be racially offensive material.

3- High areas are a necessity if you are sniping .

4- Or stay back and snipe from strategic points at enemy infantry .

5- They started sniping the Germans, who eventually withdrew.

6- Common snipe perform aerial displays while winnowing.

7- Other common quarry targets for the wildfowler include the common snipe .

8- Cut-price food retailers are already sniping at supermarkets in continental Europe.

9- He called Fisher ‘the little snipe ‘.

10- snipe the machine gunner and panzerschreck man off the bridge.

11- He sneaks around and snipes enemies with a concealed laser.

12- Do NOT climb a tree and snipe from there.

13- The Recon class focuses on sniping and spotting enemies.

14- This protects you from being ” sniped ” by a single increment.

15- Now an increasing number sneer and snipe .

16- At first light the mortaring and sniping started.

17- The young woman was sniping at the Counsellors.

18- Explain how someone may benefit from your griping and sniping .

19- You just look for ‘opportunities’ to snipe .

20- The snipe incident was the most serious incident occurred in the zone.

21- At snipe , mortar and shell fire was constant all day long.

22- He ‘ll be compelled to yet again try for the last snipe .

23- Getting sniped at by Illingworth from afar didn’t help either.

24- The ruins attract mallards, snipe and tawny owls.

25- I’m not trying to snipe at you here, Robert.

26- You snipe zombies end of story.

27- Joan Smith can snipe at South Africa all she likes.

28- There’s really nothing to do there other than snipe people.

29- But Ann would not be plucking five hundred snipe carcases surely?

30- Mel would snipe , “Stow it!

31- They ut in a black Humber snipe .

32- Anger: snipe and sneer whenever it’s mentioned .

33- You have nothing constructive to offer – so out come the snipes .

34- Well , nothing worth sniping at.

35- Alternatively, minions with Divine Shield also make good snipe targets.

36- Laser distance meter MileSeey fills in blanks: China brand snipes international giants.

37- This included a long prosthetic snipe nose, huge ears, and elongated fingers.

38- The British also sniped with each other over the subject of provisions.

39- There is a diverse breeding bird community including lapwing, snipe and redshank.

40- You also sniped Frieri from me , damn you to hell! State officials defend the safety of work on the dig but snipe at the city of Seattle.

41- In season, it is most unlikely that visitors will fail to hear the ‘drumming’ of snipe.

42- He could kill fifty snipe in one shot with his handbuilt gun.

43- As I recall, David Toy, a California snipe sailor and I, both Class of ’53, were about the only YCYC members who had much of any racing experience as skippers.

44- Barker managed to return to British lines safely where he crashed his snipe.

45- Among 50 species of waterbirds, the rare and elusive Australian Painted snipe has been recorded.

46- The seven clans represented are Turtle, Wolf, Bear, Beaver, snipe, Eel, and Sand Turtle/Deer Shirley Hill Witt.

47- In January 1892 she was at Platea in Greece carrying out exercises firing torpedoes, when she ran aground on snipe Point.

48- In March 1967 Rootes announced that production of the Humber Hawk, along with that of the Super snipe and Imperial had ceased.

49- The famous Kamaldah lake attracts several varieties of water birds including the common whistling and cotton teal, the comb duck, snipe and geese.

50- ” Examination of museum skins from bird collections showed such characteristic wear of the tail feathers on male snipe from the Chatham Islands (C.

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