sniffing in a sentence

Use ‘sniffing’ in a sentence | ‘sniffing’ example sentences

1- This is called “content sniffing “.

2- They were sniffing around her wounded elbow.

3- There are multiple methods available for measuring sniffing .

4- It may also include network sniffing software.

5- She is turning in circles while sniffing .

6- Most young people will never try sniffing .

7- Bottom sniffing or sniffing under the chin.

8- Bottom sniffing or sniffing under the chin.

9- He keeps sniffing it and making vomit noises.

10- There was also 3 other clubs sniffing around.

11- Chicago is rumoured to be sniffing around .

12- He circled the bag cautiously, sniffing deeply.

13- sniffing open unsecured access point is most certainly naughty .

14- But the effects of sniffing wears off quickly, too.

15- The effects of sniffing are similar to being drunk on alcohol.

16- He is also around sniffing for a goal.

17- She lifted her big head, sniffing the icy air.

18- They’re already adept at sniffing out bullshit.

19- However, programs exist that have network ” sniffing ” capabilities.

20- What are you sniffing about for eh?

21- He says there is evidence of glue sniffing and drug taking.

22- Various sniffing sequences allowed participants to turn and steer a wheelchair .

23- Authorities earlier sent sniffing dogs to help in the retrieval operations .

24- He looked down at his desk, sniffing deeply.

25- He keeps going down, sniffing at the air.

26- It handles pretty much all of your password sniffing needs.

27- Exertion after sniffing might cause heart failure.

28- The kangaroos performing the sniffing gain much information from smell cues.

29- For some young people, sniffing is a pleasurable activity.

30- I couldn’t stop sniffing myself after the initial application.

31- I stand on the balcony, sniffing the dawn air.

32- Unless he is out sniffing around in the park.

33- People around us started sniffing and looking for the skunk.

34- Buy a hound dog and start sniffing around .

35- This is not a walk for sniffing and exploring.

36- The act of sniffing is considered distinct from respiration on several grounds.

37- The behavior of sniffing incorporates changes in air flow within the nose.

38- Twice-weekly counselling sessions were arranged to deal with her glue sniffing .

39- She loved being in the tall grass sniffing around near the woods.

40- Inquisitive foxes will rotate and flick their ears whilst sniffing . The dog was sniffing a stick.

41- Children in the isolated village have been sniffing gasoline to get over their boredom.

42- My dog kept sniffing at my clothes after I came home from our class field trip to a farm.

43- soakEvery time my dog meets another dog they go through this whole routine of sniffing each other’s buMs. Every time my dog meets another dog, he just has to go through this whole bum-sniffing ritual before we can continue our walk.

44- Children in some of our remote northern communities have taken to sniffing gasoline to escape the harsh reality of a life of poverty and isolation.

45- 465269Looks like I picked the wrong week to give up sniffing glue.”””

46- We did some tests sniffing pure chocolate, but it was not strong enough, Persoone said.

47- Passengers left the planes safely, and bomb-sniffing dogs were searching them, McCranie said.

48- In his account, Jun described seeing some of his friends sniffing glue and taking other drugs.

49- 789799There will be K-9 searches sniffing for bombs and used in the process, authorities said.

50- They’re already adept at sniffing out bullshit.

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