sniffer in a sentence

Use ‘sniffer’ in a sentence | ‘sniffer’ example sentences

1- Another form of network attack worth noting is packet sniffers .

2- Approximately 40 were classified as chronic sniffers .

3- sniffer dogs and forensic experts were pressed into service .

4- Peru also sent rescue teams with sniffer dogs.

5- This will thwart most lazy port sniffers .

6- Packet sniffers are a dime a dozen .

7- A sniffer is usually passive, it only collects data.

8- Hence, it becomes extremely difficult to detect sniffer .

9- Companies may use sniffers to monitor their network.

10- The anti-communist sniffer dogs had discovered two tunnels in the village.

11- A rescue team with sniffer dogs is now up and running.

12- The human cargo was unearthed by sniffer dog called Mitzy .

13- A packet sniffer can put your network card into promiscuous mode.

14- sniffer panels keep stallions and mares from getting too excited mid-air.

15- Note that many users prefer the newer Ethereal sniffer .

16- Authorities said they were following a scent detected by their sniffer dogs.

17- sniffers are basically data interception programs.

18- So governments can takeover and use sniffer dogs, to clear areas.

19- Security personnel including at least one rescue or sniffer dog searched the scene .

20- Police quickly sealed off stations and used sniffer dogs to search for more explosives.

21- The Scarborough sniffer has been caught!

22- Nabisco breakfast cereals now contain collectors cards which feature US Customs sniffer dogs.

23- Some of the rescue workers were equipped with sniffer dogs to locate trapped survivors.

24- Scott Michael Campbell as Agent Holden, a sniffer agent.

25- He said that the method can detect toluene in glue sniffers’ blood.

26- Firefighters helped by sniffer dogs have pulled 91 people alive from the rubble .

27- It’s near impossible to detect that a packet sniffer is sniffing a connection.

28- Rescue workers took three hours to dig her out after sniffer dogs found her.

29- Corey Stoll as Agent Mack, a sniffer agent.

30- sniffer dogs tracked them to Laughterton, Lincs.

31- A packet sniffer is a program which monitors network traffic which passes through your computer.

32- With a simple packet sniffer , an attacker can easily read all plaintext traffic.

33- Police were using a sniffer dog to search for Ms Norman in the wreckage .

34- I trust the dog’s sniffer and instinct better than any assurances from you.

35- Thus, heavy reliance has been placed on sapper teams using mine probes and sniffer dogs.

36- He has a son and is divorced (“The Panty sniffer “).

37- Take a packet sniffer and check if you can receive the packets with it .

38- The ” sniffer ” for detecting diesel exhausts was developed in the Second World War.

39- A brigade commander said that sniffer dogs are the most reliable way of detecting IEDs.

40- He ‘ll be lucky if they let him bust glue sniffers at the hobby shop. Beyond lie more fences, police patrols, sniffer dogs and heat-seeking scanners.

41- 97584Bags were not allowed into the arena and police are patrolling with sniffer dogs.

42- It added that the all-clear was given after a full search of the arena with sniffer dogs.

43- And like a sniffer dog, he was rewarded with a treat: marula, a fruit that elephants love.

44- Another eye-witness said two police cars with sniffer dogs in were also parked in the area.

45- Ensuring no one in the pub makes a dash for it, the officers then call in the sniffer dog team.

46- sniffer dogs sent to Algeria to find survivors trapped under rubble.

47- When developing for these platforms, proprietary SDKs and hardware development tools, such as the ZENA wireless packet sniffer, may be used.

48- A special “SAM sniffer” payload was installed on the Fire Fly to pick up these signals, with the drone relaying the data to an ERB-47 electronics warfare aircraft.

49- Zx sniffer is no longer maintained and its website is currently down.

50- Each Toppy is a clone of a successful sniffer dog in Canada ; Peeples, Lynne (Jul 20, 2009).

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