sniffed in a sentence

Use ‘sniffed’ in a sentence | ‘sniffed’ example sentences

1- I sniffed the air – somewhere someone was preparing something beautiful.

2- She sniffed glue and abused drugs and alcohol.

3- Angel leaned against him and sniffed again.

4- She sniffed as her voice rose slightly.

5- This prevents sniffed packets from being usable to an attacker.

6- Kate ran her hands through her long hair and sniffed .

7- The murderer came out and sniffed the air temporarily.

8- Paolo raised his chin and sniffed the air.

9- He had stared at her suspiciously and sniffed .

10- Kathleen bent over the unconscious patient and sniffed .

11- He started nervously and sniffed back a tear.

12- How do I prevent my data being sniffed ?

13- She sniffed loudly and picked up her cigarettes.

14- The doctor opened the bottle and sniffed it.

15- It sniffed the air and checked its radar.

16- The tiger sniffed at him from above.

17- sniffed for a few weeks or months.

18- She sniffed loudly and looked at me.

19- They sniffed the data packets as well .

20- She sniffed the air and ignored him.

21- sniffed the underwear beauty, the guy finally off the rails.

22- Gorbachev was uneducated and not especially intelligent ,” he sniffed .

23- Without replying, the boy sniffed miserably and raised his arm.

24- The boys hid, but were eventually sniffed out by dogs.

25- I feel awful,’ Jane sniffed .

26- She sniffed , then crushed the silk between her hands.

27- She lifted her left hand to her face and sniffed .

28- It sniffed the air then made straight for the drum.

29- Josie sniffed , touched once again by Adele’s huge heart.

30- Together they drank and sniffed cocaine, and fought.

31- A European trophy is nothing to be sniffed at .

32- He sniffed at the warm bark of the cherries.

33- She put her nose in the air and sniffed .

34- I’ve sniffed success, and it smells delicious.

35- He bent his head over the basin and sniffed .

36- Mary sniffed , but she drank the toast.

37- He sniffed the fear in me with disdain.

38- Paige sniffed inelegantly, tears easing off.

39- She sniffed , her trembling body still shaken by occasional sobs.

40- Faye sniffed and gulped as threatened tears became a reality. I sniffed the smell.

41- We sniffed at the food suspiciously.

42- The dog sniffed at the ser.

43- blay_paulThe cat sniffed suspiciously at the food.

44- The lion raised its head, and sniffed the air.

45- The child wiped away a tear, and sniffed a couple of times.

46- The little girl sniffed a couple of times and wiped away a tear.

47- Bambi raised his head and sniffed the air.

48- Fire had come to the forest!The bear sniffed the air, it could smell salmon cooking on a barbecue not too far away.

49- “They sniffed it, and the bear wasn’t aggressive or anything like that.

50- He went to his grandfather’s boat and sniffed gasoline until he became numb.

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