sneaky in a sentence

Use ‘sneaky’ in a sentence | ‘sneaky’ example sentences

1- Those sneaky water wolves are actually called mink.

2- The sneakiest text link ad disguise ever!

3- This company is doing business very wrong and sneaky .

4- There are several very sneaky things going on here.

5- This funny book has a sneaky emotional gravity.

6- And each relationship is a different sneaky variation.

7- The dancers seem very sneaky and perverted.

8- There is also a somewhat sneaky “hidden” theme.

9- Bad posture is the sneakiest workplace risk there is.

10- The sneaky part is harder than it sounds.

11- Remember the sneaky trick played by software makers ?

12- A wonderful sneaky healthy surprise treat for all.

13- She was surprisingly sneaky about it too.

14- But, sleep is a sneaky beast.

15- So a sneakier strategy was needed to preserve the big tent.

16- The trick is to be much more sneaky and covert.

17- His methods are often viewed as being sneaky or self-serving.

18- More a sneaky nasty venture than an actual business venture .

19- I think it was a particularly sneaky trick frankly.

20- So: very sneaky use of narrative convention.

21- sneaky Dan could escape his crime scenes.

22- And they are sneaky about it too.

23- Alex can be very sneaky and tricky.

24- Right before their eyes appeared sneaky Dan.

25- And he’s very, very sneaky .

26- The sneaky animals were happy with being sneaky.

27- The sneaky animals were happy with being sneaky .

28- I’m mostly done, just hunting down some sneaky bugs.

29- This tip is a little sneaky , but it works.

30- They are sneaky and clever, and they love pies.

31- There was something sneaky about the way it was done.

32- These passages reveal that Megan likes to be sneaky .

33- This brings us to the scale’s sneakiest attribute.

34- Here ‘s a sneaky preview to keep you warm.

35- Building relationships Okay , this is a little sneaky .

36- sneaky Dan knew what this box could accomplish.

37- Another sneaky suitcase home for socks, incidentally, is inside shoes.

38- Goalies called his shots ” sneaky fast.

39- You call those sneaky , underhand tactics coming to my aid?

40- Romulans prefer espionage and sneaky tactics as opposed to direct confrontation. She’s a sneaky lying person, and you shouldn’t trust her.

41- My neighbor’s son is a sneaky little kid who is always getting into trouble.

42- Greg is a very nervous, sneaky, fearful and bullied and bullying protagonist.

43- I hate these beginners, that guy is sneaky, I don’t like photos like that Gilden complains.

44- Additional user options Microsoft, in a manner of speaking, allows users to be a bit sneaky.

45- They have sly, sneaky, goblin-like faces, and long, thin, claw-like fingers.

46- Brunswick Heads was made world famous by the song “When we Were Young” by sneaky Sound System.

47- Junior and sneaky‘s adventure takes them across vast landscapes and into encounters with bizarre animals.

48- A guarding male and this female are often trailed by one or two “sneaky” males that wait for an opportunity to mate with the female.

49- This backfired, however, when sneaky agent Joel Brooks turned the deal to his and Don’s favour.

50- For people who were not Jamaican, the Jamaican use of the term ‘Smallies’ helped create a stereotype of Jamaicans being sneaky, common, and violent.

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