sneaks in a sentence

Use ‘sneaks’ in a sentence | ‘sneaks’ example sentences

1- He often sneaks away to smoke tobacco.

2- Charley sneaks off and reappears as himself once more.

3- But somehow something else always sneaks in front of that priority.

4- It sneaks up behind you and bites without warning.

5- He sneaks under the bed to surprise her.

6- Daniel sneaks while already on Nina’s room.

7- Edmund sneaks off to visit the Witch.

8- She lies, sneaks , and steals.

9- Diego sneaks over the Colombian border to investigate illegal gas smuggling.

10- As the stranger approaches the child, the mother sneaks away.

11- What little sneaks do is they hang about near the nest.

12- Wolves are sneaks who wait for opportunities for an easy meal.

13- He sneaks into the venue and gets onto the stage.

14- Weather that sneaks over the top gets into northern areas.

15- Karate Kid sneaks into his apartment through a window.

16- Especially since I was running in my new sneaks .

17- While writing, an intruder sneaks into the apartment.

18- Rocky sneaks under the fence of the new backyard.

19- This kind of evil sneaks up on us.

20- Lauren leaves and sneaks a drink with her.

21- He sneaks around and snipes enemies with a concealed laser.

22- She even sneaks into the mayor’s house and steals books.

23- Pete sneaks into Don’s office to sit behind the desk.

24- Sister Carmel sneaks out of the convent to start dating.

25- As the others sleep, Morrow sneaks extra water to Sandra.

26- She goes to investigate and sneaks upon Regina and Cora .

27- Ren sneaks into a house and cuts into the wall.

28- Brennan immediately sneaks out to the sanctuary of another hotel across town.

29- Silver sneaks below deck, where Jim finds him preparing his escape.

30- Here’s hoping some of it sneaks in!

31- The dragon’s head is still alive and sneaks up behind jubei.

32- He sneaks away and visits the fair together with Rüdiger.

33- He sneaks across the border and reunites with his family.

34- While they are talking, Tex sneaks up on the blues.

35- It seems like it sneaks in doesn’t it!? haha.

36- Lisa sneaks on board and ties up Patrick and Robin.

37- Lisa Niles sneaks onto Matt’s party boat.

38- Murray sneaks inside the Clamp building to aid Billy.

39- He sneaks up on the men and listens to their conversation.

40- Carl becomes restless and careless, and ultimately sneaks into the barn. John Barrymore once observed that happiness sneaks through a door you didn’t know that you left open.

41- Trey sneaks a quick line of cocaine before joining Marissa outside.

42- He sneaks onto the construction site and finds a list of 16 safety rules posted on a wall.

43- QB sneaks have drawbacks in that they tend to expose the quarterback to hits from opposing defensive backs.

44- Gije, abandoned by Daram meets Sheryl and sneaks aboard the Solo Ship.

45- Spike, carrying a newspaper himself, sneaks behind Tom and slams him over the head.

46- Harry sneaks into Umbridge’s office, and, using her fireplace, transports himself to Twelve Grimmauld Place to look for Sirius.

47- Padmé travels to Mustafar, while Obi-Wan sneaks on her ship, and Padmé eventually realizes the truth of Anakin’s (Vader’s) actions.

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