slowly in a sentence 3

Use ‘slowly’ in a sentence | ‘slowly’ example sentences

101- The police admonished him to drive more slowly.

102- I spoke slowly so that they might understand me.

103- He spoke slowly enough for everyone to understand.

104- She slowly drew back the bolt and opened the door.

105- Those knotty pieces of wood will burn more slowly.

106- I don’t like a world where things change so slowly.

107- It has slowly dawned upon us that he will not help.

108- He works slowly, because he takes things seriously.

109- The spider stings its prey, and then eats it slowly.

110- The old man slowly walked up the stairs to the house.

111- As the river become broader, the current moved slowly.

112- He signified his disapproval by slowly shaking his head.

113- I watched the car disappearing slowly around the corner.

114- The tea was very hot so she had to sip at it very slowly.

115- She lifted her coffee to her lips, and slowly blew on it.

116- She slowly lifted the lid from the box and looked inside.

117- The patient shuffled slowly down the hall of the hospital.

118- There comes our teacher.

119- He is walking very slowly.

120- I spoke so slowly so that the children might understand me.

121- The sun was slowly sinking into the sea as we paddled home.

122- Devi shuffled slowly across the room, dragging her sore leg.

123- She spoke slowly in case the students should miss her words.

124- The cat slowly approached the bush where the mouse was hiding.

125- The fish is baked slowly till browned over a nottooclose fire.

126- After finishing his tenth drink, the drunk slowly toppled over.

127- He walked slowly over the stones on the beach in his bare feet.

128- The animal stings its prey to stun it, and then slowly eats it.

129- The column of ants was slowly marching towards the picnic basket.

130- Low-mass stars slowly shrink and die as they consume their fuels.

131- She walked slowly through the park to show off her new hairstyle.

132- The dog slowly moved towards the plate of food lying on the grass.

133- The priest made the sign of the cross and then walked slowly away.

134- The dog slowly edged towards the plate of food lying on the grass.

135- The sound of music faded into the distance as we drove slowly home.

136- The stars in our sky are slowly but surely using up all their fuel.

137- The mouse continued eating the cheese as the cat slowly crept nearer.

138- The carriage carrying the dead King made its way slowly up the avenue.

139- We watched in horror as the boat slowly sank in the middle of the lake.

140- The policeman tried to calm the victim by getting her to breathe slowly.

141- A tiny chick emerged slowly from its egg before the astonished children.

142- One feels that the city has grown slowly and each age has left its mark.

143- With its declining birth rate, Hungary’s population is slowly shrinking.

144- The hanged man swung at the end of the rope, slowly twisting in the wind.

145- The dog was frantically pulling at its leash as the cat walked slowly by.

146- He got up lazily from the couch, and slowly strolled out onto the balcony.

147- The old woman gripped her cane tightly as she walked slowly down the hill.

148- He could feel the drug coursing through his veins, slowly numbing the pain.

149- As the Roman Empire slowly declined, Germanic tribes overran Western Europe.

150- He sat on a chair in the kitchen, and slowly took off his mud covered boots.

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