slower in a sentence

Use ‘slower’ in a sentence | ‘slower’ example sentences

1- The ” slower adoption” statement is pure bunk.

2- Public employee growth initially came much slower .

3- This makes picture display considerably slower when used.

4- The speed of population growth became slower .

5- The standard errors calculation is slower than prediction.

6- My original version is a lot slower .

7- Static variables are slower and consume memory.

8- The air flow speed below the wing is slower .

9- A dynamic economy also needs slower population growth.

10- Note that encrypted backups may run slower .

11- Light traveling through any medium is therefore slower .

12- The pitch itself had become slower and slower.

13- The pitch itself had become slower and slower .

14- The result is lower driving force and slower growth rate.

15- They travelled upwards slower than grass grows.

16- Those minimal implementations are always slower than standard register machines.

17- It is a slower pop rock number.

18- I was simply unable to fly slower .

19- Less lip tension and slower air produces lower notes.

20- The typical slider is always a few miles per hour slower .

21- With that slower metabolism comes decreased energy.

22- But progress was far slower than anticipated .

23- Paper is far slower than electronic though .

24- Those links are slower and sometimes congested .

25- This means slower growth and higher unemployment .

26- That is less stable and much slower .

27- Our local course was designed for slower grass .

28- BB speed is getting slower and dropped calls are frequent .

29- They are thicker guys with slower feet .

30- They are much slower than conventional aircraft.

31- He probably drove slower than anyone else too.

32- Primary metals producers noted demand growth was slower than expected.

33- International bank transfer is slower and almost always more expensive.

34- My comfortable walking pace is still noticeably slower than normal.

35- That means slower economic growth and higher consumer prices.

36- The river becomes slower flowing, less deep.

37- When trapping fine particles, slower is better.

38- The breath becomes slower , thereby increasing longevity.

39- Its slower overall , except boot times .

40- While recording is very fast, saving images is considerably slower . Life in Nepal moves at a much slower pace than in the West.

41- Titus Livius once observed that men are slower to recognize blessings than misfortunes.

42- The pace of life in the rural west of Ireland is said to be much slower than in the cities.

43- The service at the restaurant was much slower than usual so we were late getting back to work.

44- While light waves travel most quickly through air, they go slower through water and even slower through glass.

45- When driving, if you drive much slower than the surrounding traffic, other drivers might get frustrated, and try to pass you.

46- Our deputies are driving slower now, Massey says, “we can show that.”

47- A slower molecular clock pushes back the timing of the wolf-dog split.

48- Travel to the airport will be slower this morning and through the day.

49- However, the rain may be heavier in the Northeast and slower to depart.

50- The dental student is going to be working a little bit slower, he says.

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