slogan in a sentence 2

Use ‘slogan’ in a sentence | ‘slogan’ example sentences

51- “Ursula K.

52- LeGuin once suggested that the preservation of life seems to be rather a slogan than a genuine goal of the anti-abortion forces, what they want is control.

53- The tournament name is based on ANA’s “Inspiration of Japan” slogan.

54- Goldwater’s campaign slogan was, “In Your Heart You Know He’s Right.”

55- Khamenei says the “aim of the slogan is not death to American people.

56- Death to the USA was the hardliners’ most important slogan for 35 years.

57- Facebook/Alyssa Butler Her slogan: “Destroying cancer one day at a time.”

58- The poster shows a woman flexing her arm under the slogan “We Can Do It.”

59- “Akkar is not a garbage dump!” read the slogan on one protester’s T-shirt.

60- The slogan, “Ziggin Zaggin,” has been wrapped around nine buses since 2003.

61- But, then again, it’s not much of a slogan to say, “We’re better than ISIS!”

62- In the interview, Yu blasted China’s claim to rule of law as a hollow slogan.

63- 553698Patriotism, Protection, and Prosperity”” was McKinley’s slogan in 1896.”

64- Graham jabs at Donald Trump whose campaign slogan is “Make America great again.”

65- Mr Trump arrived wearing a hat with his campaign slogan “Make America Great Again”.

66- The Zirlotts have embraced the lore with their slogan: “Oysters worth killing for.”

67- The new campaign slogan comes as Bush is also working to fix his political fortunes.

68- But after learning about the Motel 6 slogan this week, she says more research was done.

69- 457163Leave No Child Behind”” was a popular slogan during Bush’s presidential campaign.”

70- The previous slogan, “I love Regina,” is still used as part of an “internal pride” campaign.

71- Never Again was the slogan I used to hear about the Holocaust and I believed it – until now.

72- Or just pretend to,” says the billboard, complete with VW’s iconic logo and slogan: Das Auto.

73- Bush ran as a “compassionate conservative,” which became a popular slogan during his campaign.

74- Ma, Ma, Where’s my Pa, Gone to the White House, Ha, Ha, Ha, was James Blaine’s slogan in 1884.

75- During his first campaign for the presidency, he used the slogan, “Happy days are here again.”

76- Within it, Chipotle’s slogan – “Food with integrity” – is altered to say “Food with hypocrisy.”

77- Smart (non-violent) resistance is not a slogan, it’s a conscious path to freedom and independence.

78- In the middle of them someone has hung a T-shirt emblazoned with the slogan “Proud to be Parisian.”

79- On Twitter, “Make America Great Again” is a goofy, meme-ready slogan, best displayed on ironic hats.

80- The company slogan is “Always On Wi-Fi”.

81- A rap jingle accompanied several of the ads using that slogan.

82- The company slogan is “picture, video, and profile sharing for men!

83- FM 101.1 was again repackaged and it adopted the slogan Automatic ‘Yan!

84- As he opened it, he found a paper in it with the slogan ‘Simon Go Back’.

85- Singa was introduced during a time where most campaigns were slogan driven.

86- Their longtime slogan, The Best Care in the Air, represents their inflight product.

87- Their slogan was “Quien calcula compra en SEPU” (“He who calculates buys at SEPU”).

88- A popular slogan for rebellion in the Qing was “Crush the Qing, revive the Ming” (反清復明).

89- ” The new slogan, featured in early 2011, is “So Good It’s RiDQulous,” Elliott, Stuart (2011-03-03).

90- The 2009 Red Wings used the slogan “The beard is back” for the final series of their 2009 Stanley Cup playoffs run.

91- ” Abolafia had previously run in 1968 under the Cosmic Love Party, even then with the slogan “What have I got to hide?

92- Nein, Danke! has been the slogan of the German anti-nuclear movement since the 70s and literally means “Nuclear power?

93- 2005-2009 To help promote amongst the new ABC1/ABC2 identities, ABC Kids changed their slogan from “ABC Kids” to “More Kids”.

94- Copland’s Hoedown became even more famous through television advertisements by America’s Beef Producers with the slogan ” Beef.

95- Finally, a new advertising slogan aimed at a specific demographic was added to the front of the package: “A big hit among young women!

96- ” a phrase from Herzl’s book Old New Land, became a popular slogan of the Zionist movement-the striving for a Jewish National Home in Israel.

97- ” — a slogan borrowed from the 19th century guerrillaist socialist Blanqui-was inscribed on the banner of Mussolini’s newspaper, Il Popolo d’Italia.

98- ” The slogan read “The Yellow Fellow from Syracuse.

99- The 1991 slogan was Tucson’s only hit music station.

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