slime in a sentence

Use ‘slime’ in a sentence | ‘slime’ example sentences

1- As yet the mystery slime has not been identified.

2- Nickelodeon’s trademark slime won the vote.

3- He lost a lot of skin and slime .

4- The thick green slime sticks to his face and clothing.

5- Now, the slime is greener than ever.

6- He covers himself and the room with green slime .

7- Just a creepy slime ball of a guy .

8- This model of samsung mobile has a slime stylish body .

9- The clammy feel of slime on fabric was gone.

10- Is the mysterious slime of animal, vegetable or mineral origin?

11- It’s easy if the other guy is slime .

12- Copious diarrhoea often of green slime or mucus.

13- A slime in the arena can confirm this.

14- They are covered in slime when taken from the water.

15- We have strange trails of slime in the sea .

16- Flat fish should be covered in a thin layer of slime .

17- They usually overwinter in mud or slime .

18- A gelatinous black slime floats across the top of one tank .

19- Such infections are often called slime Disease.

20- But the slime was real, oozing between the layers.

21- The air is full of the stench of trapped slime .

22- John Elway is a slime spot next too a river .

23- A parody, a surrealistic sculpture in green slime .

24- I’m getting brown slime in the pail.

25- She felt as if she’d been dipped in slime .

26- Dirty Harry will slice through the slime to find him.

27- A slime pit was called for there, as well.

28- It’ slime to move on and be honest.

29- Wondering if leaves a slime trail behind him.

30- We just now entered into the toxic slime of privacy invasion .

31- The black slime is disappearing rapidly.

32- The slime can be rolled into a ball and thrown away.

33- They are like the slime on the bottom of rocks.

34- Two cogs in the Republican slime machine.

35- The symptoms are: polyp’s retraction & abundant slime secretion.

36- Its bottom proved to be generally ooze, a soft slime .

37- Quatermass finds him dying, covered in a poisonous black slime .

38- I am having a problem with thread algae, and brown slime .

39- Removal of this slime leaves the fish succeptable to fatal infections. The monster slowly emerged from the mud and slime of Venus where it had lain asleep for millions of years, and immediately began making plans for the complete destruction of the planet Earth.

40- 451139KY might have forgotten what a piece of cowardly slime he is but not the country.

41- Special Reports: The Idea Factory Try the Week Magazine This green slime isn’t Nickelodeon Gak.

42- That is a headphone jack stopper in the shape of a Liquid Metal slime, and it is just the best.

43- I am far from yuppie slime but I try to keep ahead of the wolves.

44- Algal blooms often produce large floating masses of green, yellow or bluish green slime.

45- The life cycle of slime moulds is very similar to that of fungi.

46- The hagfish is eaten in Korea and other Asian countries, along with its eggs and its slime.

47- They may be so numerous that young fruit bodies may be covered in a bright yellow, conidial slime.

48- The slime or water would not fall until after the opposites were over, or sometimes not fall at all.

49- Here he will have to defeat brain aliens, slime springers, flamester enemies, ice enemies, and car-bots.

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