sleeps in a sentence 2

Use ‘sleeps’ in a sentence | ‘sleeps’ example sentences

50- My son still sleeps with a light on because he’s frightened of the dark.

51- A person who normally requires eight hours of sleep, but sleeps shallowly, will most likely awaken feeling tired.

52- Her niece sleeps in a crib, just feet away from where Woods was killed.

53- He sleeps with his shoes by his side, and a few blankets to keep him warm.

54- And what about the domestic dog, that sleeps on the couch most of the time anyway?

55- Mahdi, 1, sleeps deeply despite hundreds of refugees climbing around him in Horgos.

56- If your laptop sleeps 16 hours a day, you’ll save $10 a year; a desktop, about $33.

57- Located in South Africa’s Waterberg Mountains, it sleeps nine people in four bedrooMs. 637657Sometimes I day-dream about especially long sleeps I remember BK (Before Kids).

58- The woman, who sleeps with a knife, then “poked” him with the knife according to police.

59- He noted Felix sleeps near strangers and garbage every night, using a rock to rest his head.

60- The 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom house, which sleeps nine, is 4 miles from the village of Woodstock.

61- This is where Abu Ahmed sleeps, on the steps of a church in Calais with other Syrian refugees.

62- Even now, she said, darkness sometimes descends on her, and she sleeps all day to escape the pain.

63- Hyde said she still sleeps with a nightlight on, and won’t ride a subway or go anywhere underground.

64- Major Themes Water sleeps, but Enemy never rests.

65- Sarah also sleeps with Warren Fox ( Jamie Lomas ).

66- She is beaten badly by a vampire on campus, then sleeps with the shallow womanizer Parker Abrams ( Adam Kaufman ), who does not return her calls.

67- She denies him at first but gives in and sleeps with him.

68- As Bree sleeps, George watches her and takes off his tie.

69- Yossarian only sleeps with her once, but wishes he could do so again.

70- He was known as “the Emperor who never sleeps” on account of his work habits.

71- As she sleeps, an old medicine woman discovers her and takes the tulip to town.

72- ” To escape his loneliness, Ichiro sleeps and dreams about visiting Monster Island.

73- Lauren sleeps with Wade in Evissa, however he breaks up with her realising she was using him.

74- Meenakshi feels lazy to work and sleeps on the floor, as she assumes that Santosh will not check on her.

75- Three sleeps: A Historomance (1992) announced the poet as what Olson called an ‘istorin, or one who sees for himself.

76- Every hundred years he awakes and when he sees the ravens still flying around the Untersberg he sleeps for another century.

77- When asked why he sleeps in a rowing boat, the answer is “I tried sleeping in a motorboat and it was somewhat uncomfortable.

78- Nancy, as an experiment, tells Glen to watch her if she sleeps, and if she shows signs of struggle or injury, to wake her up.

79- She soon dumps Magaldi, and Che relates the story of how Eva sleeps her way up the ladder, becoming a model, radio star, and actress (“Goodnight and Thank You”).

80- Indeed, while everybody sleeps, Shizune sees the statue moving.

81- Recordings In everyone there sleeps A sense of life lived according to love.

82- Calwyn sleeps; later, she awakens to find Marna speaking with great difficulty.

83- Michael sneaks into her room while she sleeps, but refuses to go through with it.

84- She sleeps constantly when not in battle, believing that it contributes to her beauty.

85- Ross and Rachel break up after Ross sleeps with the hot girl from the copy shop, Chloe.

86- Calera despises her mother-in-law Elda, who sleeps in a coffin in the Marker family basement.

87- In Luke’s webisode on the SLiDE website, it’s revealed that he “parties all night and sleeps all day”.

88- Young’s sleeps with Angels album (1994) is the last work that Briggs produced before his death in 1995.

89- He lives, eats and sleeps football, and that rubs off on everyone around him (but no current playing field).

90- Soon, she was warned by a mysterious woman (Eugene Domingo) that if she sleeps tonight, she will never wake up.

91- ” He sleeps that night in the ruins of a church; he cannot go back to his hotel because of the danger of arrest.

92- Music * Cosa Nostra Never sleeps is a Johnny Thunders bootleg recorded on June 19, 1983 at Folkets Park, Södertälje.

93- They fall asleep, and when Ben wakes up, he looks across at Sera, who is lying on top of him, and dies while holding her as she sleeps.

94- Elaine sleeps on a sofa bed with a bar that sticks up through the mattress and hurts her back.

95- Ivar goes looking for her and brings her back home, where she sleeps fitfully and dreams about death.

96- Lakshmana is the avatar of the Adisesha, the serpent of infinite measures and on whom Lord Vishnu sleeps in the Ocean of Milk.

97- Gall, the eldest brother, has been promised Zesi as a bride by his father, but Zesi instead sleeps with the younger brother Shade, enraging Gall.

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