slave in a sentence 3

Use ‘slave’ in a sentence | ‘slave’ example sentences

95- I, thy slave and vile wormlet of the earth, with all the courtiers of thy glory, give Thee thanks for myself and for each one of the mortals in acknowledgment of this blessing.

96- Appliances plug into slave units which may resemble oversized 13A adaptors .

97- The notorious ” agora of the Italians” was an immense slave market.

98- Plantations and other agricultural development dependent on slave labor were prevalent in the region.

99- The price of a slave depended on demand.

100- Commercially, Nri was against slave holding.

101- There was a large slave quarter within the rugged city.

102- In 1765, Bissau was founded as a military center and slave trading post.

103- Similar laws were also enacted in other slave-holding states across the South.

104- He became a vocal opponent of slavery and wrote a slave narrative autobiography.

105- Prospero dismisses him – “Abhorrent slave / Go to your cave” – as he recalls Ariel.

106- However, Sho tells him there’s no need to pay and gladly gives him his slave back.

107- The 1854 Ostend Manifesto was an unsuccessful Southern attempt to annex Cuba as a slave state.

108- Rideau stated that “The slave‘s only way out was to commit suicide, escape or kill his master.

109- On Ten, it is preceded by a brief interlude of the album’s closing hidden track, “Master/slave“.

110- These slave insurrections changed the balance of power on plantations, giving more to the slaves.

111- Moore gained considerable reputation for leadership by suppressing a slave revolt during his first year in office.

112- “Ties that Bind: Hiram Powers’ Greek slave and Nineteenth-century Marriage,“ American Art 24 (Spring 2010), 41-65.

113- Cahen, p. 107 Since Sökmen II was childless, the beylik was seized by a series of slave commanders after his death.

114- Gibbon here painted a very unattractive portrait of Gildo, as a tyrant to his people, and a slave to his avarice and lust.

115- The slave systems include the phonological loop, the visuo-spatial sketchpad, and later Baddeley added the episodic buffer.

116- As was common with much of the production in Nazi Germany during the war, slave labor was utilized in the Volkswagen plant.

117- When Cleon ( William V. Mong ), a slave dealer, offers him a job, Marcus is at first contemptuous, but eventually takes it.

118- On May 27, 1861 in Lewisburg a slave named Reuben was convicted of conspiring “to rebel and make insurrection in said county.

119- Charlie’s wife Marcy walks in on a strange situation between him and his secretary Dani, and she calls her his “little slave.

120- Tharen, who has become a Rebel agent, reappears and asks for Solo, Chewbacca, and Calrissian’s help in attacking a slave colony.

121- The 1793 Act passed overwhelmingly by Congress and signed into law by Washington made it a federal crime to assist an escaped slave.

122- Lin Ho and the Treasure of Fang-tso Lin Ho, an ugly boy, is orphaned and sent to live with his rich uncle, who employs him as a slave.

123- She can cut a Dragon slave in half with a normal (non-magically enchanted) sword, and once defeated a plasma dragon with a kitchen knife.

124- When Quebec was handed back to the French in 1632, Le Baillif left the colony and gave his slave to a Quebec resident, Guillaume Couillard.

125- The Krahn are originally from Northern Africa, a very small group who moved to the west coast of Africa shortly before the slave trades began.

126- ” Bailey, Lost German slave, p. 248 Aftermath The Supreme Court’s 1845 decision was unpopular in Louisiana, where there were many slaves of mixed race.

127- The law made it a crime to assist a fugitive or a slave in escaping, with prison and a fine for helping a fugitive but only a fine for helping a slave.

128- Richardson finds that the “terms of trade” (how much the ship owners paid for the slave cargo) moved heavily in favor of the Africans after about 1750.

129- Jenkins was a former slave turned minister who, upon stumbling across homeless youths, decided to organize an orphanage for young African American children.

130- The original Hermitage mansion was a two-story, eight-room, Federal -style brick building built with skilled slave labor and completed between 1819 and 1821.

131- slave clock Synchronome slave clock Early G.P.O. type 6, manufactured by Synchronome slave clock drive mechanism A slave clock driven by a quartz clock module.

132- She was of Seljuq slave ancestryCitation needed and like some other Muslim princesses of the time, she was trained to lead armies and administer kingdoms if necessary.

133- “Ideology versus the Tyranny of Paradigm: Historians and the Impact of the Atlantic slave Trade on African Societies,” by Joseph E. Inikori African Economic History. 1994.

134- The children are sold by slave traders to a manorial estate in which slaves are brutalized, working under horrific conditions and are branded whenever they try to escape.

135- A slave owner, Cobbs nonetheless opposed Alabama’s secession from the Union and ordered Alabama clergy to omit prayers for the Confederate Congress and President from services.

136- George was a 17-year-old slave held by Lilburne Lewis.

137- The second group of graves are probably slave burials.

138- A “wage slave” could also be harmed at no (or less) cost.

139- ” He answered, “slave of the fulan, someone of the Quraish.

140- “The Zong in the Context of the Eighteenth-Century slave Trade”.

141- Malays also have significant South Asian (Indian) slave ancestry.

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