sketched in a sentence

Use ‘sketched’ in a sentence | ‘sketched’ example sentences

1- The pretty cover design was sketched by herself.

2- The sketched geometry should eventually form a closed region.

3- The land sketched into 11 sectors under 11 sector commanders.

4- I sketched 2 trees before I got mine perfect.

5- The subject is sketched in charcoal on acid free pastel paper.

6- He painted or sketched almost every day.

7- Nevertheless, rough distinction between groups of citizens is sketched .

8- The densely stitched image has a sketched , animated quality.

9- The sequential development can be traced and sketched .

10- The lists could be written or sketched .

11- And the theory of transformational growth was only sketched .

12- The two quickly sketched out the deal.

13- Below, this construction is sketched in set theory.

14- Her aunt sketched a vague shape in the air.

15- He sketched the woman at her wheel.

16- He also sketched ships in the local harbour.

17- The two travelled and sketched together for months.

18- But the Budget itself sketched a quirky country too.

19- The facial details, although simply sketched in, are clear.

20- The curriculum that was sketched out seemed ludicrously inadequate.

21- First, a basic kayak shape was measured out and sketched .

22- She hadn’t sketched or written letters as she often did.

23- Luke sketched a smile, his tone still laden with mockery.

24- The ones on the left side are sketched in Montreal.

25- It’s the houses they dreamed and sketched .

26- Scripts were written and story boards sketched out.

27- Below we have sketched a classification by physical interpretation.

28- They plucked her eyebrows and sketched a line across her forehead.

29- There Davis observed the Spanish military and sketched fortifications.

30- Jaq sketched a minor adoration of respect.

31- His hands sketched an enormously over-developed chin.

32- Everywhere he goes he leaves hastily sketched doodles of interconnected squares.

33- Rowntree’s investigators sketched in details of each household.

34- The future was sketched in Article 3 of the Treaty.

35- He’d even sketched me dancing in the costume shop.

36- He sketched her deftly in a few minutes.

37- Istanbul looks like it has been sketched by Jackson Pollock.

38- He also sketched out an approach to Medicare .

39- They sketched their ideas and then looked for clothes to match.

40- She sketched the vision and sent it to me. But he has sketched out his views on a flat tax over the past few years.

41- That quick study sketched out a basic design that would turn into New Horizons.

42- 573015Probably a spectator has sketched scenes he had seen in the arena,”” Chaniotis said.”

43- Jaq sketched a minor adoration of respect.

44- Alexander also sketched along the busy quays of the town and recalled his fond memories of Mornington at the mouth of the Boyne.

45- They found examples of Hutton’s Unconformity at several places, particularly an outcrop at Siccar Point sketched by Sir James Hall.

46- Max Abraham (1902) subsequently sketched a theoretical explanation of Kaufmann’s result in which the electron was considered as rigid and spherical.

47- Grim quickly sketched Betty Boop’s head on a four legged canine body.

48- He sang, played numerous instruments, painted, sketched, and made furniture.

49- As a young child, his schoolteacher, John M. Harlow, who observed his talent as he sketched famous works of art during classes, influenced him.

50- Rodin met American dancer Isadora Duncan in 1900, attempted to seduce her, Hale, 10. and the next year sketched studies of her and her students.

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