skateboarding in a sentence 2

Use ‘skateboarding’ in a sentence | ‘skateboarding’ example sentences

51- His son has had success in competitive skateboarding.

52- She was very rebellious and fond of skateboarding, but proved no more interesting than the others.

53- Torey Pudwill’s skateboarding part for Transworld’s “Hallelujah” featured the song “Excuses” from Big Echo.

54- A fingerboard is a working replica of a skateboard that a person “rides” by replicating skateboarding maneuvers with their hand.

55- While some non-skaters choose to wear skate shoes, the design of the skate shoe includes many features designed for use in skateboarding.

56- Some include skateboarding, safe cracker and puzzle.

57- He occasionally skates on the World Cup of skateboarding Tour.

58- Vargas is skilled in martial arts, skateboarding, skiing and soccer.

59- Many years of skateboarding under his belt, Og started around 1988, Og de Souza (2004).

60- Unreferenced A pole jam is a skateboarding trick maneuver that skateboarders do over a bent pole.

61- Makaha website, Some say the Makaha team was the best skateboarding team ever assembled.

62- Freeskiing is a non-olympic variety which shares characteristics with street skateboarding, bmx, and inline skating.

63- The show is a half-hour mix of skateboarding and sketches, very much in the mold of the early 1990s skateboarding videos.

64- In March 1987, Hetfield broke his wrist a second time skateboarding, forcing the band to cancel a Saturday Night Live appearance.

65- As Tony Hawk began to achieve superstardom when skateboarding‘s popularity increased in the mid-1990s, Welinder became a very wealthy man.

66- Lasek turned pro for Powell in 1990-but by this time, skateboarding and vert skating particularly began to lose popularity, and Lasek’s career waned.

67- Early career Kosick started out as a freelance photographer for Poweredge and Slap skateboarding magazines and built up fame as a skateboard photographer.

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