sizeable in a sentence

Use ‘sizeable’ in a sentence | ‘sizeable’ example sentences

1- There were sizeable fluctuations in exchange rates.

2- Long stone built wings behind create a sizeable open courtyard.

3- The second living area is also very sizeable .

4- She confirmed the couple earned sizeable incomes.

5- This same union also established a sizeable sick fund.

6- A sizeable minority is concluding they are not.

7- The sizeable police presence could simply enjoy the bands.

8- Trading in the raw material generated sizeable income.

9- Risks are high considering the possible sizeable swings in capital.

10- This record was a sizeable chart hit in 1987.

11- There was also a sizeable racial education gap.

12- Italian features a sizeable set of pronouns.

13- A possible ice deposit equivalent to a sizeable lake was announced.

14- A sizeable chunk of the costs gone straight away.

15- In terms of sheer numbers the segment is sizeable .

16- It is easily accessible from the sizeable trade kitchen.

17- Standard gaming earns them a sizeable profit.

18- Other sources show a smaller, yet still sizeable difference.

19- All together, nine monasteries had sizeable commercial holdings in town.

20- We cheered a sizeable extra subsidy to it.

21- The book was said to have had a sizeable effect.

22- It’s shatter and scratch resistant and sizeable .

23- The cost of lost production is sizeable for any process manufacturer.

24- The company bought a sizeable insurance policy for this “gamble.

25- A sizeable number of Malaysian men have foreign wives.

26- The depression of 1915 forced sizeable wage decreases on the union.

27- The town also has a sizeable Punjabi community.

28- Armenia also has a sizeable recent Iranian community.

29- In 1851 a sizeable number of children were working the mills.

30- Mughal rule brought in a sizeable Muslim population.

31- It failed to chart but did become a sizeable airplay hit.

32- In particular a sizeable Greek community grew up.

33- This was still a sizeable amount of text to process manually.

34- During 1990 they rose to a sizeable four million.

35- Of course there is sizeable opposition to this plan.

36- There are couple of sizeable filaments on the incoming limb.

37- The next sizeable place is the market town of Stone.

38- Takes a sizeable gift from a vendor?

39- Complex sizeable commercial organisations have certain characteristics and trends in common.

40- This year, again, another sizeable group is preparing. The government’s tax increase will put a sizeable dent in the average worker’s paycheck.

41- The people of Iran represent many ancestries, including sizeable Turkish and Arab minorities.

42- Geologists believe there may be sizeable deposits of oil in the waters off the coast just north of here.

43- A plan has been outlined to allocate a sizeable portion of the land under development to the construction of low-cost housing.

44- North American society is being plagued by a war on drugs that is not working, and that is simply criminalizing a sizeable portion of our society.

45- “I have received quite sizeable (amounts of) ammunition free of charge.

46- Greek scholars also gave the name colon “limb” to a sizeable section of verse or speech.

47- PPG did face headwinds due to a strong dollar as it does have a sizeable business overseas.

48- The late Iron Age saw sizeable changes in human activity.

49- Non-indigenous employees of logging companies and traders make up a sizeable amount of the population.

50- The sizeable River Feshie joins on the right bank at Kincraig and the River Druie does likewise at Aviemore.

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