sitting position in a sentence

Use “sitting position ” in a sentence | “sitting position ” example sentences


2- I looked up from my sitting position under a tree.

3- So help them get into a comfortable sitting position .

4- He is in a sitting position and holds a wooden apple.

5- Travel pillows provide support for the neck in a sitting position .

6- The second month I started meditating in a sitting position .

7- A big man, almost touched the roof in the sitting position .

8- The nganasan shamans cast spells in the sitting position .

9- She jack-knifed into a sitting position and hastily surveyed their camp.

10- Chuck leaned against some rocks, then slid to a sitting position .

11- Demonstrate the standing, kneeling, prone, and sitting positions .

12- To apply this treatment the patient must be in a sitting position .

13- George struggled to a sitting position .

14- The typical Mongol archer shot from a sitting position when dismounted.

15- In an upright sitting position , the head and spine are naturally balanced.

16- Gazzer pushed himself wearily back up to a sitting position .

17- Paige allowed him to help her roll over into a sitting position .

18- Hikaru unsteadily got into a sitting position , still gulping air.

19- Rest either in a sitting position or in a propped lying position.

20- Steve scrabbled up to a sitting position and studied her intently.

21- The finding of the right path is carried out in the sitting position .

22- You should also do calf raises from both a standing and sitting position .

23- Try not to place your baby in a free sitting position before crawling.

24- At burial the deceased is put in the earth in a sitting position .

25- Camelids are the only ungulates to mate in a sitting position .

26- Hart’s is done via the sitting position while Sting’s is done standing.

27- His momentum re-directed he falls backwards into a sitting position and winces.

28- Easier to play in a sitting position due to smaller usually contoured body.

29- It is made just high enough to admit its occupant in a sitting position .

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