sins in a sentence 2

Use ‘sins’ in a sentence | ‘sins’ example sentences

50- Christians believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for mankind’s sins.

51- Henry Ward Beecher once observed that compassion will cure more sins than condemnation.

52- According to the Catholic religion, you must confess your sins in order to go to heaven.

53- “You will burn in hell for eternity if you do not repent your sins!” cried the preacher.

54- “You will roast in hell for eternity if you do not repent your sins!” cried the preacher.

55- There is a Russian proverb which states, “Make peace with people, wage war with your sins.

56- “According to the Sikh religion, one clears oneself from the debt of sins and karmas through suffering.

57- They also teach that, for great sins, they cannot receive forgiveness unless they confess to their leader.

58- It was subject to a time in the flames of purgatory for certain sins.”

59- 314975I always felt my church would reject me for committing the smallest of sins.

60- Let’s not judge other people who are immigrating here by the sins of a few, he said.

61- 152007Carnival ends before Ash Wednesday which is dedicated to the confession of one’s sins.

62- And it’s not just the sins of the father (although men are disproportionately the ones in jail).

63- These are killing aggravations which do accent and enhance our sins.

64- Fiercely religious, he is prone to quoting scripture and performing acts of self-harm in response to his own sins.

65- sins is a real-time strategy (RTS) game that incorporates some elements from 4X strategy games ; promotional materials describe it as “RT4X.

66- In ” Be All My sins Remember’d “, several Traveler ships join the Atlanteans and the Wraith in fighting the Asurans, with one of the ships destroyed in the battle.

67- Their class is given a list of sins that children can confess.

68- Thomas D’Arcy continues to record under the Small sins moniker.

69- Ibid. p. 53 Any caste is able to expiate their sins through the use of vratas.

70- He also learns how the hell-beings are punished according to their sins in the different hells.

71- The monks live an austere contemplative life of penance and prayer on behalf of the reparation of sins.

72- Hope is opposed to the sins of despair and presumption; refraining from them is adhering to the negative precept of hope.

73- The second Article of Faith states “We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression.

74- Badilino transforms into Vengeance and suffers a mental break, setting out to kill anyone who had done but the smallest of sins.

75- Those who signed the covenant had to confess their sins, consecrate their property and their labor to the society, and live celibate.

76- I will even go further: to some extent it is as though Batista was the incarnation of a number of sins on the part of the United States.

77- Johanna, who is still a hold of her wits as she ages, leaves the sanatorium with a pistol which she intends to use on Old Wobbly for his sins past.

78- While looking upon the city and the ruins of the Temple, R. Joshua exclaimed, ‘Wo unto us, that the holy place is destroyed which atoned for our sins!

79- Penance in this form is not generally intended as a “punishment”; rather, it is meant to encourage reflection upon and spiritual growth from past sins.

80- Oh Lord, rescue me from sins and do not deceive me.

81- Blamuro became his willing follower to atone for his sins.

82- He dies acknowledging his sins shortly after the operation.

83- Skorbnyk asked for the forgiveness of his sins and healing of his disease.

84- He denounced all sins except drinking, because he was drunk as often as possible.

85- He asks for a private audience to confess his sins, to which the archbishop agrees.

86- The sins of the damned are felt by them as a vesture of intolerable insults from which they cannot escape.

87- Here she repents her sins and an angel tells her to go to the desert where she lives in prayer until old age.

88- This song proposes that Judas’s betrayal of Jesus was necessary so that people could have their sins forgiven.

89- He’s a big contributor to a corrupt Catholic church that will forgive any sins he confesses for the right price.

90- Those involved in abortions will face distress in both this life and the next because their sins will follow them.

91- O scion of the Ajamidha race, by performing thy ablutions here in this river, thou wilt be freed from all thy sins.

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