since-then in a sentence 3

Use ‘since then’ in a sentence | ‘since then’ example sentences

101- 215143Ever since then, at least two crew members must in the cockpit at all times.

102- since then, I have not been in representational politics as it were, said Campbell.

103- 626074since then, more than $170,000 has been raised to help Jennifer and Cecelia.

104- since then, she’s done about 100 such procedures, according to The Washington Post.

105- It’s a slow, expensive way of coping with an old, expensive problem: since then-Gov.

106- 626296since then, White has repeatedly seen Monroe on his block or in his building.

107- 626259since then, the value of the Brazilian currency has plunged about 70 percent.

108- since then the iPhone has become a megahit, helping AT&T close the gap with Verizon.

109- since then, none of the city’s three-quarter housing apartments have been shut down.

110- These agreements date back to the Cold War, and since then have largely lain dormant.

111- James Inhofe has called climate change a hoax His views have not mellowed since then.

112- since then, the oil driller from Rose Valley has been fitted with prosthetic devices.

113- since then there has been no official comment on any French operations in the country.

114- And since then he has been in one battle after another with his Democratic colleagues.

115- Even with the small amount of output I’ve had since then, they always go back to that.

116- 625906since then Afghan military forces have retaken the city from the Taliban forces.

117- since then, SeaWorld has been bleeding money and seen drastically decreased attendance.

118- The city hasn’t done a follow-up since then because no complaints have been registered.

119- Eddie clearly saw this as a win because since then he’s dropped 4 albums and 11 singles.

120- since then, these insurgents have grown to dominate the concerns of U.S. foreign policy.

121- since then, he has been observing developments in Iran from the perspective of an exile.

122- since then, he has been meeting with some of United’s 85,000 workers around the country.

123- Photo: Jenny Williams/RBG Kew And since then, very few new varieties have been developed.

124- since then it’s exploded into the biggest humanitarian crisis since the Second World War.

125- since then, it’s been used more than 30,000 times on Twitter and widely shared elsewhere.

126- since then the Leafs have gone just 3-8-0, including a pair of three-game losing streaks.

127- since then the militants have carried out attacks in the north and neighbouring countries.

128- And the percentage of Americans working or looking for work has fallen sharply since then.

129- since then, Schnierle has become one of the greatest advocates for small cheese producers.

130- since then, it has gone on a murderous rampage that has included beheadings of foreigners.

131- 625978since then he has lived a relatively quiet life as a respected author and lecturer.

132- 625924since then, Bono is probably best known for competing on Dancing with the Stars.”””

133- since then, each has spent time on the big, blank rock practicing and mapping out strategy.

134- since then, however, the company seems to have recovered in the eyes of the general public.

135- since then, the firm has developed more than 100 different possible uses for the VivoSight.

136- since then, the publication and circulation of “Mein Kampf” have been forbidden in Germany.

137- since then, the exchange rate has been fluctuating simultaneously with the oil trade prices.

138- “since then the traffickers’ network has become stronger and spread into the entire country.

139- since then there have been large-scale anti-terror operations in France, Germany and Belgium.

140- since then, the Justice Department has focused on arresting and trying all suspects involved.

141- since then, one other execution was carried out, of child rapist and murderer Charles Warner.

142- since then, Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere has come out in favor of imposing a ceiling.

143- since then, he’s all but promised to deliver trains to his home neighborhood of West Seattle.

144- since then, eurozone countries established the $800 billion bailout fund for emergency loans.

145- 134784But since then, the climate for building along San Francisco’s waterfront has changed.

146- If one looks at an old movie from, say, the early 70s, the airport hasn’t changed since then.

147- 625915since then, artistic director Bradley Moss said company members have been working hard.

148- And since then, Schettino insisted, he’s become a victim, processed by a “media meat grinder.”

149- Pro-Ukrainian activism inside Crimea has become an even more dangerous proposition since then.

150- To put that in perspective, Hollywood has churned out three different X-Men movies since then.

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