simplicity in a sentence 3

Use ‘simplicity’ in a sentence | ‘simplicity’ example sentences

101- The duo’s stark guitars and lingering vocals tend to waft around, electrifying the air with their simplicity.

102- Some people prefer not to use a headboard citing their reduced utilitarian purpose and finding beauty in simplicity.

103- An example of such simplicity is located in the four-square -style houses located at N 38th Street and Glenwood Avenue.

104- Gallery The paintings Given their complex iconographic references, the paintings themselves have a deceptive simplicity.

105- Guru Gobind Singh was amused by the simplicity of her wishes and said that the sons would marry not only once but twice!

106- De la Touche’s work had been praised for its simplicity, but Gluck and his librettist simplified the drama even further.

107- Her simplicity of dress contrasts favourably with her mother’s glittery tendencies, and she turns the head of many a man.

108- As a consequence, life goes on here with the utmost simplicity – making do with what little one has – and with great contentment.

109- Each gaming organization uses custom rules, but simplicity and similarities make this less cumbersome than it would at first seem.

110- 3. Vinayak temple – Vinayak locality – Lord Ganesh. : A very old and beautiful temple retaining the simplicity of the days gone by.

111- However, in small buildings and residences, CAV systems are often the system of choice due to simplicity, low cost, and reliability.

112- Major problems XMODEM was designed for simplicity, without much knowledge of other file transfer protocols – which were fairly rare anyway.

113- Energy-momentum dispersion In the preceding description an important fact is ignored for the sake of simplicity: the dispersion of the energy.

114- Time zones have been used in modern times so similarly situated cities can keep exactly the same time, for simplicity and ease of communication.

115- This phone has been (and still is) very popular for its robustness, simplicity and long battery life years after being discontinued as a product.

116- Davies, p. 62 However, a public performance in early 1846 met with public indifference and critical snubs for the oratorio’s artlessness and simplicity.

117- Dogpatch residents regularly combat the likes of city slickers, business tycoons, government officials and intellectuals with their homespun simplicity.

118- Consider for simplicity a non-magnetic medium where the relative magnetic permeability is unity, and the complication of magnetization current is absent.

119- Karurauatsūrei, whose name is shortened to Karura for simplicity, is found having slaughtered many soldiers from another country who were holding her prisoner.

120- Vendors such as Tejas Networks, Ethos Networks, and Nortel offer solutions which meet the above requirements, yet preserve Ethernet’s simplicity and flexibility.

121- The high vitamin and protein content of this food makes it attractive, as does the relative simplicity of cultivation, which began in Japan more than 300 years ago.

122- The cave, despite its small size, has some profound simplicity and subtle red prints of paintings of deer, goats and cattle that are represented very schematically.

123- His books have become popular mainly because of their humour, which attempts to reach the general reader, as well as for their simplicity and intellectual acuteness.

124- The order, simplicity, clarity and reason of a free nation were beautifully reflected in society because the monuments expressed such characteristics in themselves too.

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