simmer in a sentence 2

Use ‘simmer’ in a sentence | ‘simmer’ example sentences

51- Discussion question: Discuss the similarities and differences between your culture, and that of this country.

52- simmerAdd the brisket and continue to simmer until the meat is heated through.

53- Reduce heat and simmer for another six minutes, allowing ingredients to marry.”

54- Add taco seasoning mix and water; simmer until most of the water is cooked off.

55- Add parsley and garlic cloves and continue to simmer 30 minutes, partly covered.

56- Return this mixture to the soup pot and simmer for one to two minutes, but do not boil.

57- 607701Servick: Making the first album, you need to perform things a few times and let it simmer.

58- Add chicken broth and kidney beans, bring to simmer, then lower heat, cover and simmer 30 minutes.

59- Bring to a gentle simmer and cook for around 10-15 minutes or until the potatoes are cooked through.

60- Or she may be a protector; the wisdom dakinis have special power and responsibility to protect the integrity of oral transmissions simmer-Brown, Judith (2002).

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