signor in a sentence

Use ‘signor’ in a sentence | ‘signor’ example sentences

1- Come and coach in Italy , signor !

2- The High Commissioner and signor Orlando should carry out similar tours.

3- To signor Tagliapietra we cannot award too much praise.

4- I did however eat the following day at signor Sassi.

5- signor Ugolotti led the way up through the dense woods.

6- signor Gismondi followed her to the door.

7- Margaret tries to reason with signor Naccarelli.

8- Distinguished singers including Sims Reeves and signor Foli appeared.

9- But he didn’t touch anything, signor Gianluigi.

10- signor Valenti was willing to accept him as a son-in-law.

11- signor Candiano’s letter had come out of the blue.

12- Sydney Greenstreet as signor Ferrari, a rival nightclub owner.

13- Slow tempi from signor Gatti but certainly interesting nonetheless .

14- He was not at liberty to give signor Gismondi’s whereabouts.

15- Otherwise signor Gismondi would not have granted you this rare opportunity.

16- Ah no, the young signor Gismondi was not in.

17- Then signor Ugolotti appeared: it was time to go.

18- In the meantime, preparations are made for signor Brunoni’s arrival.

19- There is added footage before we see signor Roberto at Vito’s office.

20- Score of my concertos, engraved by signor Ricciotti.

21- signor Grignaffini was a wealthy man.

22- Perhaps she should have let signor Candiano arrange her accommodation and meet her.

23- signor Gismondi glanced at his watch.

24- signor Zappi- the husband of the household that first takes Leonardo into care.

25- In 1964, Italian Ambassador, signor Rubino awarded Amb.

26- Shortly after signor Brunoni’s show, there is a spike in robberies.

27- signor Mussolini may be taken as an example of this sort of Uranian.

28- signor and signora Zappi take Leonardo in.

29- Molly rang the house which signor Fixit was guarding but there was no reply.

30- signor Pococurante: A Venetian noble.

31- signor Group is a company with years of experience is providing customizable turnkey workforce housing solutions .

32- But, pray, signor , do not believe these stories about my science.

33- Over to you, signor Vicini.

34- signor Bacri – Jewish ship captain of the trading vessel that is captured by pirates.

35- signor Galilei is therefore an enemy of mankind and must be dealt with as such.

36- On August 2, Austin signor was released, and Andrew Starks was signed.

37- Then she remembered that she had forgotten to get a receipt from signor Fixit.

38- The first display took place on 2 May 1852, designed by ” signor Pietro”.

39- signor Buttiglione could easily have been a Muslim, not a Catholic, martyr.

40- Fortunio Bonanova as signor Matiste, vocal coach of Susan Alexander Kane. signor Paparazzo died in 1899, long before he could know of the notoriety attaching to his name.

41- Confronted with Florville, who calls him « Dad, » signor Bruschino reacts with bug-eyed consternation.

42- Two singles are included, signor Tentenna and Tutto su Eva.

43- ” Francesco Negrone immediately began to build a new Castello near the old as signor.

44- Mr Sheridan: Cat’s patron and owner of Drury Lane Theater signor AngeliniPedro’s master at the theater.

45- signor and signora Zappi take Leonardo in. Leonardo falls in love with their daughter Amamia, but signora Zappi falls in love with Leonardo.

46- signor Zappi- the husband of the household that first takes Leonardo into care.

47- Finally, Miss Augusta and Doctor Cadaverezzi (whom she knows as signor Rolipolio), old lovers, reunite and marry.

48- Line-up at the time was Pio Pethon on drums, Jungle Jenny on bass, Thanasis Therianos on guitar/vocals and signor Havn on a white Hagström Super Swede.

49- Emily suffers imprisonment in the castle Udolpho at the hands of signor Montoni, an Italian brigand who has married her aunt and guardian Madame Cheron.

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