sights in a sentence

Use ‘sights’ in a sentence | ‘sights’ example sentences

1- Touch sights sounds erotic memories fantasies etc cause.

2- Many popular sights are within walking distance.

3- His sights typically are set on more substantial matters.

4- The flow between sights and buildings was harmonious.

5- The handle also contains integrated aperture sights .

6- The order of sights visited may vary.

7- A robust sensory encounter includes sights and sounds.

8- Few sights are missing from sweeping top story views.

9- Target aperture sights are designed for maximum precision.

10- No emergency or auxiliary sights are mounted.

11- Light machine guns usually have simple iron sights .

12- Her sights are set on international competition.

13- There are many sights of interest nearby.

14- I saw many interesting and wonderful sights .

15- No provision is made for iron sights .

16- The sights and sound were very impressive.

17- Two position, express style rear sights .

18- The photo shoot is high fashion meets London sights .

19- What sights and sounds did you experience?

20- The novelty of the colourful sights was wearing thin.

21- Height includes the sights and magazine base.

22- The sights were beautiful and the history was fascinating.

23- He might pursue unsuitable forms & sights with the eye.

24- We must raise our sights and aim higher.

25- Vernon is a beautiful city with many sights .

26- The town is not quite rich in tourist sights .

27- The rear sights are calibrated from 100 meter to 2000 meter.

28- The rear sights are calibrated from 300 meter to 2000 meter.

29- But these sights were rarely used by gun pointers.

30- Tank sights were of two general types.

31- These sights divide the playing surface into equal squares.

32- Fixed sights are sights that are not adjustable.

33- Fixed sights are sights that are not adjustable.

34- In the grass below he sights movement.

35- Most smooth bore muskets did not have sights .

36- It is used in smoke detectors and gun sights .

37- It was also fitted with adjustable iron sights .

38- Badgers and foxes are not uncommon sights .

39- The sights and sounds of spring are here too.

40- The issue is absolutely in our sights . I’m seeing all the sights.

41- I’ve come to see the sights.

42- We did the sights of Yokohama.

43- I do want to do the sights of Kyoto.

44- They are seeing the sights of Kyoto.

45- We want to do the sights of the city.

46- I am going to see the sights of Nara.

47- I want to see the sights in Akiruno city.

48- He did the sights of Paris with his friends.

49- We saw the sights of the city this afternoon.

50- I saw the sights of Kyoto during my vacation.

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