sightings in a sentence

Use ‘sightings’ in a sentence | ‘sightings’ example sentences

1- The files cover sightings reported between 1986 and 1992.

2- Those sightings quickly became fewer and farther between.

3- There are rock pools nearby and dolphin sightings are common!

4- However lower speeds afford greater safety and better sightings .

5- Many sightings have been reported since 1885.

6- The visual sightings were explained as celestial objects.

7- Our meal was constantly interrupted by sightings .

8- The vast majority of reported sightings were male.

9- The estimation provided is based on mere seal sightings .

10- These sightings happened every night throughout my teen years.

11- To be more specific smells sounds and sightings .

12- These sightings brought me both sadness and joy.

13- Wildlife sightings were more numerous and the guiding was again superb.

14- Our guides compile detailed reports each year of wildlife sightings .

15- There were also nature hikes and wildlife sightings .

16- The security forces searched for tracks while also investigating reported sightings .

17- The verification of balloon sightings was paramount to success.

18- The other sightings were a few minutes later.

19- Users are encouraged to submit their sightings .

20- These documents describe the sightings of strange lights.

21- There have 9 to 14 reported sightings each decade since 1960.

22- Here are a couple of recent sightings .

23- Their reported obstacles and sightings were never corroborated by later parties.

24- No sightings of possible debris have been reported.

25- The stag beetle survey logs sightings of this unmistakable protected insect .

26- A common thread among these sightings is the interstate system.

27- This route includes the roads where sightings are most common.

28- My deer sightings are down this year.

29- The second rub sightings are called territorial rubs.

30- Such sightings prove that those ancient wanderers actually lived.

31- But the sightings gradually increase, more and more.

32- But then in winter whale sightings are not uncommon.

33- Other sightings are convincing because they have multiple witnesses.

34- Would that be reported as eight sightings ?

35- A couple hundred conflicting sightings and this Web site is worthless.

36- Flood their Web site with bogus sightings .

37- There have been sightings of deer and foxes.

38- No subsequent sightings have been reported from Iran.

39- Jeff places cameras to catch any sightings that may occur.

40- These sightings occur all over the world. There have been several occurrences of sightings of UFOs in this area over the last few days.

41- oddThere has been a rash of UFOs sightings in the last few days, with more than 10 calls to police on Monday alone.

42- A number of Muslim countries are now using satellite technology to assist in moon sightings, used to determine Islamic holidays.

43- Port Coquitlam residents say bear sightings are on the rise this year.

44- The greatest density of sightings was at Canary Wharf, the report said.

45- Police said Friday night that they had no confirmed sightings of Sweat.

46- 107343Big cat sightings revealed Click here for more news from Malling.

47- In 1985, he claimed to have substantiated three dozen sightings since 1939.

48- Then, starting May 7, 1975, nightly sightings began that lasted for months.

49- The New York State Police released information regarding the sightings Friday.

50- The dog owners were close to giving up, but were buoyed by reports of sightings.

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