sierra in a sentence 3

Use ‘sierra’ in a sentence | ‘sierra’ example sentences

101- “I realized that people at the sierra Club don’t all have horns and a tail, and-I think-likewise.”

102- Visitors from Guinea, Liberia and sierra Leone remain subject to travel restrictions and monitoring.

103- Watson said that when he misses distinct seasons, he heads up either to Oregon or the eastern sierra.

104- The vast majority of cases have been in the West African nations of Guinea, Liberia and sierra Leone.

105- Damian Meins via Facebook sierra Clayborn, 27, was an environmental health specialist for the county.

106- KENEMA, sierra Leone (AP) – Highly contagious corpses rotted in the rain amid a shortage of body bags.

107- Luanne Freer (background), a doctor who worked with Ebola patients in sierra Leone, watches as an at …

108- “sierra Kilo Charlie-um-standby,” the pilot said.

109- sierra Leonean immigrants started moving to Lagos in the 1840s.

110- There are 61 species worldwide and 16 species which occur in sierra Leone.

111- High sierra brand products may also be customized for use as a promotional product.

112- sierra Leone On completion of his Master’s degree, he travelled in Europe and Africa.

113- Access from Zahara de la sierra is performed by a road very winding and steep slopes.

114- The NPRC’s coup was largely popular because it promised to bring peace to sierra Leone.

115- The Mokelumne River in the central sierra Nevada is the source for almost all of EBMUD’s water.

116- On 16 January 2002, the UN and Government of sierra Leone signed an agreement establishing the Court.

117- In 1946, Easmon married Genevieve Dove, the daughter of sierra Leonean lawyer, Francis ‘Frans’ Dove.

118- sierra Club website, “Tar Sands and the Boreal Forest,” 2006: php?

119- Bears and Mountain Lions occasionally come down from the adjacent sierra Nevada Mountains looking for food.

120- The Washoe hunted in the upper Feather River basin, especially in Long Valley, sierra Valley, and Mohawk Valley.

121- GMT800 The GMT800 Silverado/sierra 1500 (light pickup trucks) were released in 1998Citation needed as 1999 models.

122- On July 15, 1979, the Sea Shepherd found the sierra near Oporto, Portugal and chased the whaler to the port of Leixoes.

123- sierra Leone TIGO was launched in sierra Leone in 2006, to replace the old national brand with a new international brand.

124- Trujillo’s royalist army took up strategic positions in the sierra de las Cruces, which separate Toluca from Mexico City.

125- sierra de la Demanda is a region (shire) located east of the province of Burgos in the autonomous community of Castille and Leon.

126- The surface of sierra Negra and its neighbouring volcanoes are also covered by young lavas, adding to the difficulty of aging them.

127- In conifer forests of southern sierra Nevada, high foliage volume above the nest was related to California spotted owl nest success.

128- In his speech, he called for unity within the SLPP and gave his full support to Maada Bio ahead of the 2012 sierra Leone presidential election.

129- The 2005 book Nature Noir: A Park Ranger’s Patrol in the sierra recounted author Jordan Fisher Smith’s experiences as a park ranger at Auburn SRA.

130- The sierra Juárez is a range of mountains in Oaxaca state, Mexico between latitudes 17°20′-17°50’N and longitudes 96°15′-97°00’W, with an area of about 1,700 km².

131- The Taironas were divided into two groups the coastal Taironas by the Caribbean sea and the mountain Tairona in the higher lands of the sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.

132- Nana’s Raid Nana and his followers, counting only about 30 warriors, had been able to escape and hiding into the sierra Madre, because he had been on a scouting mission.

133- ” In 2005, Opala brought to sierra Leone a Gullah woman from South Carolina, named Thomalind Polite, who is linked to that country by an unbroken 250-year document trail.

134- While his primary focus was on photography as art, his work raised public awareness of the beauty of the sierra Nevada and helped to build political support for their protection.

135- Members of sierra Leone’s traditional noble families.

136- One area especially promoted is the sierra Gorda region.

137- Royal The Royal (and sierra wagon) were the next step up.

138- sierra Mist has since taken over the Teem role in the US.

139- ” sierra Leone switched to selling fuel by the litre in May 2011.

140- Thomas had arrived with his father in the sierra Leone Colony in 1818.

141- There are 36 species worldwide and 6 species which occur in sierra Leone.

142- 19:10 FS: Delta sierra Juliet, roger and how large would the – er – object be?

143- The Red Sox were spared, however, as Ruben sierra struck out to end the inning.

144- Like in all part of sierra Leone, primary education in the town is free and compulsory.

145- Order, Louisiana Environmental Action Network and sierra Club v. McDaniel, No. 06-4161 (E.

146- The SLPP gets most of its support in Mende- predominate south-east region of sierra Leone.

147- Cape Mount near the border with sierra Leone receives the most precipitation in the nation.

148- sierra opted to start setting up the camp in order to improve her impression with her tribe.

149- Azul Azul is a Bolivian pop-rock-dance group formed in Santa Cruz de la sierra in early 1990s.

150- A22 A23 A24 A25 This short highway, paired with A26, services Herlong and the sierra Army Depot.

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