sidewalk in a sentence 3

Use ‘sidewalk’ in a sentence | ‘sidewalk’ example sentences

101- A sidewalk serves as a north – south dividing line in the cemetery.

102- The child was left pinned under the vehicle which had jumped onto the sidewalk of President Street and Utica Avenue.

103- Mona spent her first four years in Yemen ; at age two, she was hit by a car and thrown to the sidewalk, but sustained no serious injury.

104- Heryford Building before sidewalk awning was removed The building is a steel and masonry structure with a footprint measuring feet (0 m) by feet (0 m).

105- There is a Class I trail on the East side of Harvard that resembles a sidewalk.

106- He gives Dresden some information about the sidewalk murder and drops him off at the hospital emergency room.

107- Commercial shops and sidewalk cafes line Fifth and Sixth Avenues, and Ash Street provides a gateway to the waterfront.

108- The bridge carries two lanes of vehicle traffic in each direction and has an -foot (0 m) wide sidewalk along each side.

109- On July 3, 2008, celebrated the 50th anniversary of KB’s format switch to Top 40 with a sidewalk sock hop.

110- Homolovi II, the largest and most thoroughly excavated site, has a sidewalk and interpretive signs.

111- In 1894 Silsbee was awarded the Peabody Medal by the Franklin Institute for his design for a Moving sidewalk.

112- The Promenade had double rows of magnolias during the 1890s but now a single row separates the sidewalk and the street.

113- Cars parked on the sidewalk in Moscow Overspill parking is the parking of vehicles beyond the main area provided for the purpose.

114- Three granite steps lead up to the entrance from the sidewalk; a wheelchair ramp runs from the top to the north along the facade.

115- As he was escorting an attractive blonde woman across the sidewalk to a taxi, Davis was told by Patrolman Gerald Kilduff to “move on.

116- The sidewalk through the garden is embedded with bronze plaques commemorating various branches of service, specific units, and historical events.

117- General Analysis There have been several analysis and interpretations of Silverstein’s Where the sidewalk Ends, but among them all, a general conclusion has been drawn.

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