sideshow in a sentence 2

Use ‘sideshow’ in a sentence | ‘sideshow’ example sentences

51- sideshow Mel is often subject to abuse by Krusty, just as sideshow Bob was before him.

52- Zamora the Torture King is the stage name of Tim Cridland, an American sideshow performer.

53- sideshow can also drive the display of PC data on mobile phones and other devices that are connected via Bluetooth or other wireless network protocols.

54- Baby “Bunny” Smith (1898-1952) was an American actress and sideshow performer.

55- Kelsey Grammer initially expected sideshow Bob to be a one-time role, and calls him “the most popular character I’ve ever played”.

56- In early 2011, Dommin performed at the Soundwave Festival in Australia, which included a sideshow in Melbourne supporting Rob Zombie.

57- The sideshow owner ( Rhys Ifans ) attempts to kill Nate, but Lily rescues him by stealing a truck, and together they flee to the city.

58- sideshow display devices can be updated with a number of different kinds of information, such as contacts, maps, calendar appointments, and e-mail messages.

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