sided in a sentence 2

Use ‘sided’ in a sentence | ‘sided’ example sentences

51- Utah forward Gordon Hayward meanwhile hit out at the one-sided manner of the loss.

52- A federal appeals court sided with MacLean, but the Obama administration appealed.

53- But they lined the route in droves, and Francis’s open-sided car ambled slowly by.

54- 738189The jury sided with the fans on almost all points but rejected two claims of fraud.

55- 372357In the end, the committee sided with the community, voting 3-1 to allow the parade.

56- A trial court sided with the murder defendants, but the appeals court overruled that decision.

57- So far, the federal courts have sided with the GOP-led states and effectively blocked the plan.

58- During the 1991 coup he refused to support Communist hardliners and sided with Mikhail Gorbachev.

59- A three-person panel sided with the Miami Marlins, awarding Mat Latos a $9.4 million salary for 2015.

60- Sensors are adhered to the segment using double sided adhesive tape and secured using Leukoplast.

61- Flexible transparent film fixed with double-sided adhesive tape (about £3 a sq m).

62- The logs are exposed, although they once were sided.

63- A UK one-sided 12 inch vinyl was released on 14 April 2008.

64- Six- or seven-sided stars can also be seen, but much less commonly.

65- He kills David Cooper, and the policeman and priest who sided with David.

66- However, Dragomuž, Liudevit’s father-in-law, who sided with Borna, was killed.

67- Flipping a game piece (Cost: 1 mana stone) Each game piece (Inka) is double-sided.

68- A lame is a double-sided blade used to slash the tops of bread loaves in artisan baking.

69- The vinyl LP also contained a free one-sided 7″ single of the debut single ” Violent Men “.

70- Double-sided disk drives were treated as two independent disks with a drive letter per side.

71- The Guardian, Fury as Russia presents ‘evidence’ Poland sided with Nazis before war 01.09.2009.

72- “In my view this is one of the rare cases when Spiegel has taken a pro-American one-sided stance.

73- The double-sided acetate 7″ will be unavailable elsewhere and contains two versions of “Moonbird For Jhonn”.

74- Housed in an open-sided shed, the ship was intended as an example of ship construction, once the ship was stabilized.

75- Also, we have in general that, provided are pairwise coprime two-sided ideals in R, the natural map : is an isomorphism.

76- The use of double sided tape to create the illusion of double eyelids is a prominent practice in China and other Asian countries.

77- In kaikkilai, the situation that is describes is made unnatural by the fact that the love that animates the feelings is one-sided.

78- This group was composed of centrist, one-nation members who sided with John Major in his confrontations with Eurosceptics and right-wingers.

79- The Tandy 2000 720K drives use standard 360K double-sided double-density diskette media, albeit certified to a higher standard for 80-track use.

80- Biography Bagarella sided with Luciano Leggio in the late 1950s when Leggio wiped out the former Mafia boss of Corleone Michele Navarra and his men.

81- Some Libyan officials had sided with the protesters and requested help from the international community to bring an end to the massacres of civilians.

82- Toru is so depressed about the one-sided situation between him and Ryoji that he confides with a close friend named Kashiwazaki about his emotional turmoil.

83- Individuals with Broca’s aphasia often have right-sided weakness or paralysis of the arm and leg, because the frontal lobe is also important for body movement.

84- The Red-sided Skink lays around 6 eggs in summer.

85- Only swift hawk, crow, magpie, and eagle sided with the young man.

86- MMCD was optionally double-layer while SD was optionally double-sided.

87- Philip, however, had sided with the Palatinate and against his father.

88- Double sided printers can print on both sides of a blank card in just one go.

89- ” Six justices ultimately sided with Morales, and three with the City of Chicago.

90- Manager Tony Pulis was “delighted to have signed a quality left-sided midfielder”.

91- See also * hexagonal bipyramid A similar 12-sided polyhedron with triangular faces.

92- Maryam said that it was only a little rip, but Meaghan and Nikita sided with Linsay.

93- The hairy inflorescence is a one-sided curving or coiling cyme of narrow bell-shaped flowers.

94- The Pale-banded Dart or Spotted-sided Cutworm (Agnorisma badinodis) is a moth of the Noctuidae family.

95- The second half was one-sided score-wise toward the Vols, and perhaps one-sided to the Gators by strategy.

96- In comparison, both the angles and the lengths of a four-sided figure must be fixed for it to retain its shape.

97- Double sided adhesive pads are sometimes used to stick the blinky directly to the body, most often in the navel.

98- An undocumented command allowed the drive to format and use the second side of a disk, but only in single-sided mode.

99- There followed several days of bloodshed as several important workers’ organisations sided with the so-called students.

100- The inflorescence is an array of one-sided coiling cymes of many bell-shaped flowers each about half a centimeter long.

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