sidecar in a sentence

Use ‘sidecar’ in a sentence | ‘sidecar’ example sentences

1- It is a 1979 with attached sidecar .

2- It is made by mounting a sidecar to a regular bicycle.

3- sidecar , however, didn’t settle.

4- It is rare to find one with a left sidecar .

5- sidecar racing is a category of sidecar motorcycle racing.

6- sidecar racing is a category of sidecar motorcycle racing.

7- In response , sidecar has gone on the offensive.

8- Some states require an additional motorcycle license to operate a sidecar rig.

9- She smokes often and enjoys drinking sidecars .

10- They are also used in motorcross sidecar racing.

11- sidecar is a technology platform that enables peer-to-peer ridesharing .

12- The state’s mandatory helmet law also applies to any sidecar passengers.

13- Our sidecars can also be booked for other events.

14- Lady Shiva – Christ on a flaming sidecar .

15- This includes sidecar rigs where the car is rigidly mounted on the bike.

16- Uber and sidecar say it would kill their practices.

17- He believes that this fund will go towards helping sidecar the conference .

18- Pyke invented a motorcycle sidecar to carry medical supplies or a patient.

19- They achieved 8th position in the 2013 championship out of 17 sidecars .

20- Because in sidecar racing passengers matter.

21- Further expansion via IBM sidecar adapters.

22- External sidecar connector capable of daisy-chaining multiple sidecars.

23- External sidecar connector capable of daisy-chaining multiple sidecars .

24- The founders of sidecar and Lyft applauded the commission ‘s decision.

25- Selwyn jumped out of the sidecar like a five year old.

26- The squad consisted of 90 men and 45 Harley-Davidson motorcycles equipped with sidecars .

27- Uber, Lyft and sidecar all unveiled carpool features last month.

28- Former classes that are now discontinued include 350cc, 50cc and sidecars .

29- Now that George used to have a bloody motorbike and a sidecar .

30- A Motorcycle with sidecar , and the luggage is all stowed away.

31- Most of BMW’s offerings were still designed to be used with sidecars .

32- At first a motorcycle and sidecar used at first before a van provided.

33- Even the ants out on the balcony drag a little sidecar of shadow.

34- Lyft and sidecar each entered the market with peer-to-peer mobile ridesharing applications.

35- The motor bikes had sidecars attached and were equipped with gas masks and tin helmets.

36- Telk was sitting in Zündapp’s sidecar .

37- Dave Molyneux’s sidecar racing career has spanned an enviable thirty one years.

38- Earlier this week , sidecar received a cease-and-desist order from the city.

39- Chapel Hill, NC: sidecar Preservation Society, 2002.

40- They make a break for it on their trusty old sidecar motorcycle bike. sidecar wants to be FedEx, and we think we’re very well positioned to grab that position.”

41- The sidecar outfit hit a fence and turned over.

42- One very nice military offering was an Afrika Corps BMW motorcycle with sidecar in desert beige.

43- Also an oil-spillage on Bray Hill caused a high speed spin for the sidecar of David Atkinson/Jane Wheatcroft at St Ninian’s Crossroads which led to the session being halted.

44- Irbitskiy Mototsikletniy Zavod) is a Russian maker of heavy sidecar motorcycles.

45- sidecar TT Race ‘A’ final standings 4 June 2007 3 laps (113.00 miles) Mountain Course.

46- The 2012 Isle of Man TT Festival will consist of six sole motor-cycle races and two sidecar races.

47- The sidecar wheel was interchangeable with the motorcycle wheels and had swinging arm suspension with an Armstrong shock absorber.

48- The Model E was designed for sidecar use and was later increased to 990cc before production ended again on the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939.

49- 13 – 207 “Northern Flying Circus” 1975 ( 1975-04-16 ) LLC1234E After they read about the death of an old friend, the trio decide to buy his motorcycle and sidecar.

50- The usual design is a passenger or cargo sidecar fitted to a motorcycle, usually on the right of the motercycle.

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