shrink in a sentence 2

Use ‘shrink’ in a sentence | ‘shrink’ example sentences

51- The shot was far more effective seeing the runway shrink, Eastwood said.

52- They climb the walls and grow and shrink faster than Alice in Wonderland.

53- After coming back to Earth, a blast of a pretend shrink ray turned one tiny.

54- In Canada, IDC predicts smartphone sales will shrink by 7.5 per cent in 2016.

55- Their numbers are expected to shrink from more than 5,600 to just under 4,300.

56- Venezuela’s economy is expected to shrink 10% this year, according to the IMF.

57- With any amount of reduced consumer spending, these local economies will shrink.

58- In Arabic, however, characters sometimes shrink when they become part of a word.

59- He said “funding continues to shrink – while demands on the United Nations grow.”

60- This year alone, the economic output of Ukraine could shrink by up to 12 percent.

61- 402831It reaches its maximum extent in the teen-age brain; then it starts to shrink.

62- “We wanted banks to shrink their trading operations and they did,” Flint said Tuesday.

63- Russian and North Sea supply is also forecast to shrink in 2016, according to the IEA.

64- 707251The deficit would shrink in 2018 before the budget returned to balance in 2019.

65- It was as though I needed to shrink the immediate world to fit the size I could occupy.

66- Prices continue to increase in power and fuel, and the general fund continues to shrink.

67- But we not going to sit down and allow the economy to shrink, shrivel up and die, said Holness.

68- You can further shrink it down by trimming the length of the GIF or reducing the number of colors.

69- GDP is expected to shrink by 5% this year, inflation is soaring, and living standards are falling.

70- The decision to shrink the monthly handout by a strangely small sum seemed calculated to humiliate.

71- Windows 95 was shrink-wrapped, for heaven’s sake, so it could sit on store shelves and bins at Costco.

72- Examples include shrink Your Female Fat Zones, Pilates for Every Body, and Eat Carbs, Lose Weight.

73- As human development continues to expand, the woodland areas preferred by these ducks continues to shrink.

74- He can shrink and reduce his mass as he transforms, assuming sizes that comfortably allow either another Transformer or even a human being to wield him.

75- For Halo 3, Bungie had been forced to shrink parts of the game to fit the game engine’s constraints, but wanted to make Reach look better than its predecessors.

76- ‘ As she says this, her stomach begins to shrink again.

77- Clash with fundamentalists Mahfouz did not shrink from controversy outside of his work.

78- The conclusion of Grimm is that the classification “elf” can be considered to “shrink and stretch by turns”.

79- He uses his shrink ray to make himself grow the size of a planet, and blows the ship into an oncoming asteroid.

80- Technique Unconstrained large sections of steel will shrink as the temperature drops and expand as it increases.

81- Soon, Jessica recommends the lawyer bring in a ” shrink ” to analyze her apparent multiple personality disorder ; Niki insists she’s not crazy.

82- Their period of revolution shortens dramatically as the stars shrink (due to conservation of angular momentum ); some spin at over 600 revolutions per second.

83- shrink wrap is applied over or around the intended item, often by automated equipment.

84- shrink the string by removing the rightmost element If the rightmost heap has a size of 1 (i.

85- The shrink ray turns out to be faulty, however, as items shrunk return to normal size after a period of time.

86- They succeed in taking the box and use its power to shrink other beings to their small size.

87- Foam-neoprene also tends to shrink over the years as it outgases and slowly becomes more rigid.

88- I know many exalted personages, and my artist’s mind does not shrink from political and social issues.

89- Our forebearers embraced history to enlarge and enrich Jewish observance; we wield it, if at all, to shrink it.

90- Thus saved, he sought revenge by utilizing his shrinking ray device to shrink the JSAers to a height of 8 inches.

91- The audience began to shrink only when West German television became widely available to the East German audience.

92- Geo-Mineral was forced at this time to close its Republic office, and shrink its holdings to the one eighty-five acre Bodie Mine Group.

93- June 1999 Pro Mach acquired Axon of Raleigh, North Carolina, provider of heat shrink sleeve and tamper evident band application equipment.

94- Overview Some web designers produce thumbnails with HTML coding that makes the user’s browser shrink the picture, rather than use a smaller copy of the image.

95- An even more serious problem with wood combs, especially in chromatic harmonicas (with their thin dividers between chambers) is that the combs shrink over time.

96- Cave hyena populations began to shrink after roughly 20,000 years ago, completely disappearing from Western Europe between 14-11,000 years ago, and earlier in some areas.

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