shown in a sentence

Use ‘shown’ in a sentence | ‘shown’ example sentences

1- A simplified funds flow statement is shown below.

2- The liquid hydrogen tank is shown here.

3- Three such initial solutions are shown below.

4- The receiver block diagram is shown above.

5- An example map file is shown below.

6- The summary score data is shown here.

7- The graph shown is almost certainly fake.

8- The longest specimen shown here is 9 cm long.

9- Our minimum hire terms are shown below.

10- A sample chat log is shown below.

11- The original finished unit is shown above.

12- The crowdfunding industry has shown huge growth.

13- The construction materials shown below were used.

14- The parameter values are shown under each graph.

15- The spectrum analysis summary is shown below.

16- A typical message frame is shown below.

17- The resulting influence line is shown below.

18- The general expanded form is shown below.

19- The national wage distribution is shown below.

20- In another clip soldiers are shown clearing away dead naked bodies.

21- He is shown wearing said lodge uniform.

22- He is often shown blowing nose bubbles while asleep.

23- The older group is shown discussing possibilities.

24- The mark shown above was used since 1948.

25- New episodes were shown throughout early 2002.

26- It was shown during 2012 military parade.

27- Two very different systems are shown below.

28- Other notable flags used are shown below.

29- The completed board is shown top left.

30- The following dialogue box is shown completed.

31- The images shown here are considered test data.

32- He said research has shown instant feedback improves outcomes .

33- The layout shown above has more nice features.

34- The generosity shown has been truly astonishing.

35- The basic respiration reaction is shown below.

36- The latter has been shown to support mood health.

37- They are shown eating sandwiches and smoking.

38- The plans for each section are shown below.

39- It was definitely shown that red meat causes colon muscle.

40- The resulting model is shown at bottom right. Some models are shown with optional accessories .

41- Subjects were shown in a direct and dramatic fashion, with relatively few abstruse allusions.

42- His only shown powers are kinetic absorption .

43- To most, he appears clueless and absentminded , but has shown on numerous occasions to be resourceful, creative and intelligent.

44- He was shown the photo by her.

45- He has shown an apt for mathematics.

46- He has finally shown his true colors.

47- In his youth, he had shown great promise.

48- The date of manufacture is shown on the lid.

49- He is from Osaka, as is shown by his accent.

50- He’s shown no appreciable change of attitude.

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