showing in a sentence 2

Use ‘showing’ in a sentence | ‘showing’ example sentences

51- Why haven’t you been showing up to work lately?

52- He amused the children by showing them some magic.

53- Do you think they will invite us to the film showing?

54- I would be honored to give you a showing in my gallery.

55- Men can only be corrected by showing them what they are.

56- The New York Stock index is showing a slight drop today.

57- Every effort will be made to obtain tickets to his showing.

58- showing your real feelings is not considered a virtue in Japan.

59- He had graduated from the university and was always showing off.

60- You should preview any videos before showing them to your class.

61- She rarely smiles because she is shy about showing her crooked teeth.

62- The child next door was showing off his brand new bicycle to his friends.

63- The party’s poor showing in the polls has persuaded the leader to step down.

64- His cold, distant manner is just a shield against showing his real emotions.

65- The runner attributed his poor showing in the quarter-finals to a slight cold.

66- In 1507, the first map of the earth was published showing the Western Hemisphere.

67- After his poor showing in a number of games, he was relegated to the minor leagues.

68- The art gallery is showing an excellent exhibit of paintings by contemporary artists.

69- The children were fascinated by the film showing two lions fighting over a dead zebra.

70- American theater managers say they sell the most popcorn during the showing of scary movies.

71- showing anger is one of the worst things you can do during business negotiations in Thailand.

72- Jack has never succeeded in truly grasping the importance of showing respect for his employees.

73- The children were gluing leaves onto pieces of paper for pictures showing the different seasons.

74- The party’s poor showing in the election has seriously undermined support for the current leader.

75- Many pharmaceutical companies are now showing an interest in marketing so-called natural remedies.

76- There are thousands of fossils in existence showing the evolutionary path of many different species.

77- I saw a book which had incredible photos showing the development of a baby inside its mother’s womb.

78- There is a world map in our classroom with colored tacks showing the homeland of each of the students.

79- The school has a tank in it showing all the different types of sealife found in the ocean in this area.

80- As you can see on the graph, the line showing our profits for the year curves slowly but steadily upwards.

81- The President is trying to salvage a little bit of good news despite his party’s poor showing in the polls.

82- In 1896, the first permits for the public showing of movies were issued in the area known today as Croatia.

83- The film “Schindler’s List” ended with a sequence showing actual survivors of the Nazi concentration camps.

84- Can you please ensure that the memo showing the latest profit figures for the month is circulated to all the salesmen?Besides showing what someone looks like, a portrait painting tries to capture the person’s mood or personality.

85- With the party’s recent poor showing in public opinion polls, the leader is increasingly being seen as a liability.

86- I explained the situation, as this, that and such and such, but they just nodded along without showing much interest.

87- The government is set to announce the latest unemployment figures showing the success of their job creation prograMs. There are lots of leaflets at the tourist information bureau showing the various attractions and accommodations in the city.

88- This government persists in making cuts to social programs despite polls showing that the majority of people are against them.

89- The party’s poor showing in the election has come as a severe blow to the leader, who is now facing calls for his resignation.

90- Benjamin Disraeli once said that one must never apologize for showing feeling because when you do so, you apologize for truth.

91- Calling an election right now is a big gamble for the government, with polls showing the Opposition party growing in popularity.

92- A high-ranking French politician has had to resign after evidence was found showing him to be a Nazi sympathizer during the war.

93- The prosecutor presented evidence to the court showing that the defendant had threatened to kill the victim the night of the murder.

94- The little boy was teasing the elephant by showing it bananas, and then pulling them away, when the animal whacked him with its trunk.

95- Author Edgar Allan Poe was expelled from West Point Military Academy for showing up for a public parade wearing only a white belt and gloves.

96- Writer Edgar Allan Poe was expelled from West Point Military Academy for showing up for a public parade wearing only a white belt and gloves.

97- The government is running a series of commercials showing the effects of cancer on the human body, in order to discourage smoking among teens.

98- The scientists have completed a geological profile of the ocean floor in this area showing all the valleys, plains and everything under water.

99- The actors did a short excerpt from the play for the children and then spoke to them about the story and invited them to the evening’s showing.

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