showered in a sentence

Use ‘showered’ in a sentence | ‘showered’ example sentences

1- My juniors started taking more responsibilities and my seniors showered appreciation.

2- This town is also showered with tea orchards.

3- Some enthusiastic supporters showered rose petals at them.

4- I still hadn’t showered off my previous night’s sins.

5- He seemed upset, and showered again the following morning.

6- I shall never forget the contempt you showered upon me.

7- We walked out the door and everyone was showered .

8- Her faith and love showered over everyone she met.

9- The audience were showered in the mother’s blood.

10- All showered and managed to dry your own feet?

11- An endless mercy will be showered upon them.

12- Her friends and supporters showered her with mail.

13- I headed for home, showered and changed.

14- Its like being full and showered with candy .

15- They showered honours on Nelson’s brother instead.

16- Donald showered her with lots of love.

17- Various other responsibilities were showered on him.

18- I need to get showered and dressed.

19- I got up, showered and dressed.

20- Sparks showered out of the ruptured system.

21- When was the last time you showered ?

22- The audience showered both bands with standing ovations.

23- I got up fairly early, showered and headed for home.

24- Saddam’s guardians have been showered by extra pay and treatment.

25- They requested assistance as they were showered with bottles and bricks.

26- Up at 5:45 and got ready while DH showered .

27- Things like has he showered , hair washed and styled?

28- showered with honors and favors, he enjoyed immense popularity.

29- The day’s biggest achievement is that I am showered .

30- Our Green Chicken was showered with love until his death.

31- showered and dressed, her hair and makeup meticulous.

32- They were all showered and then had a sleep.

33- They are showered on all of us.

34- A plastic dustbin with breeding colony onto which organic waste is showered .

35- She showered quickly, then changed into her spare Council uniform.

36- That has resulted in him being showered with Eclipse Awards.

37- And for the second time in ten minutes the man showered .

38- David and Susan showered the child with love and attention.

39- He was showered with fabulous jewels by the maharajahs.

40- He told her that he had showered with Sandusky. He showered abuse on me.

41- She showered abuse on me.

42- I showered before breakfast.

43- My parents showered our children with gifts at Christmas this year.

44- She was showered with gold and silver jewelry by her rich boyfriend.

45- The guests showered the newlyweds with rice as they came out of the church.

46- swearAnd finally equal praise is now being showered upon its translation into German.

47- But he would “love to do a movie,” he said, and showered his co-stars with gratitude.

48- 683757The attention showered on this team member is the undeniable sideshow of this tour.

49- The neighbour, Lee Granville, let him in and showered him in cold water to try to ease the burns.

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