shovel in a sentence

Use ‘shovel’ in a sentence | ‘shovel’ example sentences

1- Obamacare is ” shovel ready” for everyone.

2- Oh boy , more shovel ready jobs!

3- So why are you still using the shovel ?

4- Using a shovel can eliminate air pockets.

5- Ned is an old light brown and tan steam shovel .

6- A tiny shovel could equally be handy.

7- The older shovels are better quality steel.

8- Your comment is ” shoveling smoke”.

9- A government official explained that using shovels created more jobs.

10- Steam shovels had been invented but were still primitive.

11- The shovel struck something tangled in a ball of roots.

12- A plow represents agriculture; a pick and shovel represent mining.

13- I had my own shovel with a broken handle.

14- He introduced me to a sand shovel .

15- That’s where the shovel comes in.

16- Gotta shovel the walk again, he thinks.

17- But then you gained their shovel anyway.

18- Carry a shovel , axe and bucket.

19- Use the shovel to create the flower bed.

20- A drag shovel which can transform into .

21- Their job is to shovel the snow off miles of tracks.

22- He uses his shovel to destroy the cake.

23- You can’t stick a shovel anywhere without hitting a rock.

24- How much coal to shovel into the furnace ?

25- In certain circumstances I rather enjoy shoveling snow.

26- A lack of shovels hampered rescue efforts.

27- Everyone began shoveling sand ballast to right the listing ship.

28- Hand tools such as shovels should be available where possible.

29- This entailed shovelling away a considerable drift of snow.

30- Thousands of workers using shovels were building a canal.

31- The ” shovel ” is the gravedigger’s shovel.

32- The “shovel” is the gravedigger’s shovel .

33- Mercedes then kills Browning with the shovel .

34- Gangs of labourers to shovel snow onto trucks.

35- His initial inspiration came from a shovel with a broken handle.

36- These shovels are shaped differently for a reason.

37- The work was to shovel iron ore and rebuild the ovens.

38- The end of the shovel must have caught him.

39- It was all done by pick and shovel then .

40- I delivered newspapers, shoveled snow, washed cars. They were clearing the snow from the sidewalk with a shovel.

41- Put the rake and the shovel in the garden shed, and bring the hammer in the house.

42- The faster we shovel food in, the poorer we digest it, and the more we eat.

43- Carry a snow shovel in your trunk, along with other emergency snow supplies.

44- But if that trusty snow shovel gets tiresome mid-season, you might be out of luck.

45- That includes an avalanche beacon locator, a collapsible probe and an avalanche shovel.

46- Am I the only one that remembers the first Trillion dollar Obama shovel ready jobs fiasco?

47- “The snake coiled back up, and I took a shovel, scooped him up and tossed him in the yard.

48- Police said Foster’s wife got in the way and Foster hit the man in the back with a shovel.

49- To do so, completely drown the fire with a bucket of water and stir the ashes with a shovel.

50- Pasco’s plan to turn the underpass into an overpass has been shovel ready for almost a year.

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