shouted in a sentence 3

Use ‘shouted’ in a sentence | ‘shouted’ example sentences

100- Yan shouted: “Why did the captain leave the ship while the passengers were still missing?

101- As the senator passed through the neighborhood, one man shouted, “Hey man, we need change!”

102- Police shouted “get down!” and “we’ve got him,” according to video from CNN affiliate BFMTV.

103- Ridley, who plays Rey, shouted to the crowd as she arrived : “May the Force be with you all!”

104- In the nearby city of Nanjing, relatives of victims shouted at officials trying to pacify them.

105- Officers eventually moved in, shouted at the gunman and persuaded him to surrender, police said.

106- Iohannis, who was surrounded by security staff, was booed by demonstrators who shouted “Resign!”

107- Some shouted at the officers they encountered, and many filmed the scene with cellphone cameras.

108- She was later called into an office by two managers and shouted at until she was reduced to tears.

109- The security guards shouted ‘Everyone get out!’ and we were being pushed out of the room, Brix said.

110- A handful of Mubarak loyalists cheered and shouted in court when his three-year sentence was quashed.

111- The driver of one even rolled down his window and shouted, “Trump for President!” before speeding off.

112- Inyo stood up, and shouted twice that he is willing not to return home.

113- While jail inmates shouted obscenities at her she would smile and blow kisses at the cameras.

114- Siegel said later that he never intended to precipitate a riot; however when he shouted “Let’s take the park!

115- The receiving player can then lunge towards the ball and out of the water to make a shot or pass. ;white ball :shouted to teammates when white cap team has possession.

116- Backhaus shouted to me: “This is marvelous” ” In 1946, Tamarkina started teaching at the Moscow Conservatory, which greatly limited the number of her concert appearances.

117- “Young man,” Yost shouted, “never do that again!

118- For example, one band member shouted, “Conan, Duck!

119- Ms Mudd and disabled actor Nabil Shaban shouted him down.

120- ” he shouted as he fell to the ground under a shower of bullets.

121- Doorman Perdomo shouted at Chapman, “Do you know what you’ve done?

122- All of a sudden, Kak Sedigh fearlessly shouted out “I am Sedigh Kamangar.

123- While her other competitors were singing Minton shouted “Hurrah for our side” from his seat.

124- A man in his early twenties punched him in the face and shouted ” queer ” before running away.

125- The Lia Fáil (pictured) which tradition says shouted the rightful king’s name when he placed his foot on it.

126- McCook was killed on the Confederate parapet as he slashed with his sword and shouted “Surrender, you traitors!

127- Janardan shouted to Sting when to aim, but either the team wasn’t listening to him, or they couldn’t do what he said.

128- This is shouted out by participants after a sequence of taiko drumming and hammering of the Kane on the traditional cart.

129- Ma Chao shouted that the man dressed in the red robe was Cao Cao, so Cao took off his robe and discarded it to avoid being recognised.

130- ” all mcen149.3 together they shouted, “if vengeance comes and falls heavily upon our mcen149.4 children and upon us, let it be for ever!

131- O’Reilly, getting makeup at the time, shouted, “If I have to come out there, Insult Dog, you’re gonna be talking a lot higher than you are now.

132- Drago, p9 They would often parade through towns on horseback such as to give an impression of greater numbers and shouted “Hurrah for Hampton” as their slogan.

133- “Long live Egypt, Arab country, long live Algeria, Arab country”, Cheb Khaled shouted to the crowd, with little apparent impact on home fan passions ahead of the game.

134- ‘Hey boys,’ he shouted, ‘there’s some good news!

135- Marlow raised his rifle and shouted at the Italian.

136- ” The professor shouted back: “That’s not what I mean.

137- The guard who spotted the escapees shouted ‘Hände hoch!

138- Huzzah is often commonly shouted at Renaissance Festivals.

139- This voice always began a conversation with a shouted “Moreno?

140- ” mcen095.2 all together they shouted, “he is worthy to be slain!

141- They physically carried her away as she shouted, “Have you ever had a broken heart?

142- He lied and shouted, “A grand force from the east is coming, keep holding until they arrive!

143- As Ahn-chae walked away, the man shouted at Ahn-chae and snatched Ahn-chae to threaten violence.

144- Meanwhile, Panic’s nephews was on a tour bus and shouted out to Ng and Panic to go on board quickly.

145- ” *”The sons of the Achaeans shouted applause at the words of Diomed, and presently Nestor rose to speak.

146- In 1999, however, Tony Rice spoke at the Dillon Pep Rally and shouted “Alumni,” to which the men responded “sucks!

147- His luggage labelled ‘England’ And his programme nicely set, He shouted ‘First stop Paris’, But he hasn’t got there yet.

148- We could have stepped aside from that task and then shouted, and that would be the end of our contribution.

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