shoulders in a sentence 3

Use ‘shoulders’ in a sentence | ‘shoulders’ example sentences

101- There is a part of you that is craving to release pressure from your shoulders.

102- Putting hands on shoulders, slapping butts, tapping them on the helmet, nothing.

103- 512918No, parents, those teenagers’ shoulders aren’t hunched because of texting.

104- I feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders, he declares.

105- Their faces show little expression, but their shoulders are uncomfortably stooped.

106- Penske’s hopes now rest largely on the shoulders of Brad Keselowski and Joey Logano.

107- Everybody was just shrugging their shoulders … it was very frustrating, said Peczek.

108- Then shift your self to your hands while you keep your knees close to your shoulders.

109- She walked with the Universe on her shoulders and made it look like a pair of wings.”

110- “Stuff Happens” lays responsibility for the war directly on Bush’s squared shoulders.

111- 185218D.E. is 6-foot-1, with broad shoulders and beefy I’ve been working out”” arms.”

112- Billingsley began screaming and Rizalman grabbed both her shoulders, the summary said.

113- You don’t revive your economy over the shoulders of those who will build it, Cruz said.

114- The pieces don’t fit: He is six feet, three inches tall, with broad shoulders and chest.

115- They will see that they do not have to hold all the weight on their own weary shoulders.

116- Once-a-month massage sessions paid for by the company also help to ease tight shoulders.

117- 386385It annoys me when I see men with an arm slung round their girlfriend’s shoulders.”

118- 583957Regular clothes that cover the arms, shoulders and legs may be worn with the hijab.

119- The male bunting has a bright blue head, yellow-to-green shoulders and scarlet-orange belly.

120- Children on their parents’ shoulders narrated the parade to those in the crowd unable to see.

121- As they conduct international negotiations, they are constantly looking over their shoulders.

122- Surviving such rumors will show that I have the shoulders to bear responsibility,” Hung said.

123- The slumped shoulders and exasperated looks that were so common a night earlier were also gone.

124- In the absence of any fiscal stimulus, it has fallen on his shoulders to do something – anything.

125- I just feel like if people would do that for others, you would lift the burden off their shoulders.

126- You can take serious weight off your shoulders by implementing passive products into your strategy.

127- She describes him as tall, thin, dark-skinned, with hair grown out to his shoulders and a long beard.

128- 843932This is also a great move for swimmers, who are prone to tightness in the chest and shoulders.

129- 31072A little girl holds up a sign while sitting on the shoulders of a man at the Paris unity rally.

130- The Band came within an ace of lifting its first Open title since 1998 yesterday, finishing runners up to Grand Shield champions Tredegar on Peter Grahams epic ‘On the shoulders of Giants’.

131- The younger adults often receive the bones of the legs and shoulders.

132- While in Japan, he grew his hair down to his shoulders to adopt the Bruce Lee image.

133- Pressure on a nerve may also cause pain from the neck down the shoulders and/or arms.

134- These exercises were often combined with apparatus to keep their wrists, elbows and shoulders supple.

135- A head and shoulders portrait of Churchill by Pan was auctioned at Christie’s Fine Art Auction House in 1981.

136- Some similar simplified attempts using similar ideas exist using stretch bands anchored on the shoulders and feet.

137- Brenan and Juliana part ways rather quickly but catch each other glancing over their shoulders and share a smile.

138- Evidence of a bear attack includes claw marks and is frequently found on the neck, back, and shoulders of larger animals.

139- She is a familiar face to Head & shoulders and Pantene users, as well as to Lipton tea drinkers, Telenor and even Ufone phone users.

140- The Bekhme Dam is designed with a central clay core, two upstream and downstream filter zones, and rockfill shoulders (limestone rockfill).

141- The hook grip can make it easier to hold heavier weights using less grip strength, and keeps both shoulders and elbows in a symmetrical position.

142- He has found Lord Saltire, and seen the Duke with him while standing on Watson’s shoulders, but the actual mastermind of this crime is James Wilder.

143- ” * “Be at peace; place everything on my shoulders.

144- Then he shakes his shoulders and returns the way he came.

145- Small spikes also protrude from their shoulders and elbows.

146- Mainly white underneath, they have black wingtips and shoulders.

147- The shoulders are rufous and the wing feathers have buff edging.

148- An ark bearing the royal fire, symbol of power, is carried on shoulders.

149- The sleeveless shell, if worn alone, will normally leave the arms and shoulders open.

150- Normally water hits the head and shoulders and immediately breaks, creating turbulence.

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