shotgun in a sentence

Use ‘shotgun’ in a sentence | ‘shotgun’ example sentences

1- A shotgun start means a shotgun finish.

2- A shotgun start means a shotgun finish.

3- Remington 870 shotgun with muzzle loading barrel.

4- The shotgun was fully loaded with three shells.

5- Medium weapons include shotguns and assault rifles.

6- See shotgun specialty ammunition for more information.

7- Most modern long guns are either rifles or shotguns .

8- The players who are named plaintiffs are riding shotgun .

9- Average shotgun holds 4 to 5 rounds .

10- One woman dropped off a single shotgun shell .

11- A shotgun formation is an effective passing formation.

12- Three clean shotgun blasts should take it down.

13- He laid the shotgun across his lap.

14- I just knew the shotgun blast had happened.

15- Any gauge shotgun not exceeding 10 gauge may be used.

16- Any gauge shotgun not exceeding 12 gauge may be used.

17- He throws down the shotgun immediately after.

18- This was the four and six gauge shotgun .

19- Clay pigeon shooting is performed with a shotgun .

20- Do you have previous shotgun shooting experience?

21- This effectively turned their muskets into shotguns .

22- Rifles and shotguns were less restricted than handguns.

23- Less stringent provisions were introduced for shotguns in 1967.

24- This class includes most popular sporting rifles and shotguns .

25- Annual rifle and shotgun sales have doubled since 1963.

26- It holds up to five shotgun shells .

27- A shotgun was found by his body.

28- We took a shotgun and pistol course .

29- There are many types of ” choke” for shotguns .

30- I got a shotgun mount in front .

31- Another leaps upon the shotgun‘s trigger.

32- However, a shotgun is more easily deployed.

33- Now where did I put my shotgun ?

34- Slade gives Blaze a lever action shotgun before fading away.

35- However, pumps are the least expensive repeating shotgun .

36- Generally, shotguns are less expensive to purchase.

37- I carried a pistol grip stainless steel 12 gage pump shotgun .

38- Fetal cell DNA has been directly sequenced using shotgun sequencing technology.

39- shotgun starts are mainly used for amateur tournament play.

40- Later flintlock shotguns and percussion cap guns were used. The pick-up truck had a shotgun sitting on a rack behind the driver.

41- A shopkeeper died in hospital after being blasted with a shotgun by a robber last night.

42- Well the son of that shop’s family, seems it’s come about that he’s to have a shotgun wedding with a local girl.

43- It seems as it was a shotgun wedding so they’re having a quiet wedding with only family and a couple of friends from university invited.

44- “You running a play out of the shotgun doesn’t mean it’s a zone-read.

45- The man had a shotgun and a rifle that looked like an AR-15, Maples said.

46- He was woken by the sound of Nelson firing a shotgun at his Mercedes Benz.

47- Both suspects took off running and one suspect was seen carrying a large shotgun.

48- You can see the complete video showing this crazy homemade 40W laser shotgun below.

49- The males of seeing the officers dropped the shotgun and bag before fleeing on foot.

50- A 20-gauge shotgun was found on him, though he did not fire it at officers, he added.

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