shortwave in a sentence

Use ‘shortwave’ in a sentence | ‘shortwave’ example sentences

1- shortwave receiver manufacturers contributed to war production.

2- There are also five shortwave radio stations.

3- They are related to downward shortwave radiation .

4- This group represents the bulk of shortwave radio sales.

5- A shortwave listener coalition formed to oppose the change.

6- UTC time is commonly used for shortwave schedules.

7- The crystals operated in the shortwave radio range.

8- First , let’s discuss downward shortwave radiation.

9- In shortwave , the opposite is true.

10- India has an extensive network of medium wave and shortwave stations.

11- This is often regarded as a degradation of shortwave radio conditions .

12- shortwave transmitters rarely use masts taller than about 100 metres.

13- This is why shortwave is so efficient and cost-effective.

14- I am a 57 year old Japanese shortwave listener.

15- This was broadcast to the Netherlands via shortwave radio.

16- There are estimated to be millions of shortwave listeners.

17- ILG is noted for providing highly accurate shortwave schedules.

18- In 1943, two RCA shortwave transmitters were installed.

19- shortwave broadcasting began from the site in 1932.

20- Many hobbyists listen to shortwave broadcasters without operating their own transmitters.

21- CBC Radio also operates two shortwave services.

22- In shortwave , the opposite is true.

23- First, we need to understand a few shortwave radio basics.

24- So, many tropical countries also use shortwave for domestic broadcasts.

25- Further comments shortwave cinema is a focal point of my neighbourhood .

26- During those crisis, shortwave again demonstrated its importance and effectiveness.

27- A high carrier can kill the sensitivity of the shortwave receiver.

28- Radio Netherlands Worldwide operated a shortwave relay station at .

29- The satellite and shortwave service continued until midnight on 30 December 1992.

30- Very little infrastructure is required for long-distance two-way communications using shortwave radio.

31- These changes effectively ended broadcasting by RCI via shortwave and satellite.

32- WWCR claims that there are 1.5 billion shortwave receivers worldwide.

33- Most telegrams were transmitted by cables or by shortwave radio.

34- I’ll have to check into the shortwave radio version sometime!

35- This includes the FM, AM and shortwave radio bands.

36- There is a large shortwave broadcasting station at Sines.

37- Now the whole shortwave spectrum makes sense and it couldnt be easier.

38- On AM and shortwave broadcast signals a wider bandwidth usually works best.

39- That is the proportion of shortwave radiation that is converted into biomass .

40- The MT shortwave Guide is divided into two listings. Channel Africa broadcast live on three platforms; shortwave, Satellite, and Internet.

41- The GDR also instituted a programme of jamming foreign signals, both shortwave broadcasts from international broadcasters such as the BBC and local broadcasts such as RIAS.

42- Some specimens show strong green fluorescence in shortwave ultraviolet light (253.7 nm) and weak light pink fluorescence in longwave UV.

43- “The Voice of China ” broadcast in 1942 In the 1930s, shortwave broadcasters from the United States consisted of several private stations.

44- Power lines are unshielded and will act as antennas for the signals they carry, and they will interfere with shortwave radio communications.

45- The IARS represents the interests of Iraqi amateur radio operators and shortwave listeners before Iraqi and international telecommunications regulatory authorities.

46- The ARAB represents the interests of amateur radio operators and shortwave listeners in Bahrain before national and international telecommunications regulatory authorities.

47- A low pressure mercury vapor discharge tube floods the inside of a hood with shortwave UV light when not in use, sterilizing microbiological contaminants from irradiated surfaces.

48- Eberhard Blum (flute, voice, and shortwave receiver).

49- In 1927, WRNY started the shortwave station 2XAL (later W2XAL) at 9700 kHz.

50- The long-range shortwave voice transmissions from Byrd’s Antarctic expedition in 1934 was named an IEEE Milestone in 2001.

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