shortness in a sentence

Use ‘shortness’ in a sentence | ‘shortness’ example sentences

1- Social prejudice against extreme shortness may reduce social and marital opportunities.

2- Severe shortness of breath requires immediate medical attention.

3- shortness of breath has many different causes.

4- Severe shortness is associated with lower income.

5- He specifically denied shortness of breath or chest pain.

6- These include coughing and shortness of breath .

7- Chest pain and shortness of breath make moving around difficult.

8- Despite the severe shortness , limbs and trunks are proportional.

9- Initially, shortness of breath occurs only during activity.

10- Symptoms include fever, coughing and shortness of breath.

11- Symptoms include shortness of breath and pain when coughing .

12- shortness of breath with or without chest discomfort.

13- He has no shortness of breath or fever .

14- Later on, shortness of breath may follow.

15- shortness of breath often indicates congestive failure and ineffective cardiac output.

16- shortness of breath then appears with exertion.

17- shortness of breath with exertion will result.

18- This overall shortness causes a distortion in the body’s shape.

19- As the disease progresses, shortness of breath occurs at rest.

20- shortness of breath from heart failure is the most ominous sign.

21- The changing season warns us of the shortness of life.

22- shortness in the arms and sides, restricts breathing.

23- shortness of breath from low oxygen can also result.

24- shortness of breath should decrease with time and exercise.

25- No cough, no shortness of breath, finally!

26- Neither approach really corrects the original shortness .

27- Lung symptoms may include cough, shortness of breath and wheezing.

28- The boy presented with shortness of breath and husky cough.

29- Beta blockers can cause shortness of breath in susceptible individuals.

30- If you notice shortness of breath, let your doctor know.

31- shortness of breath is brought on by coughing, especially productive coughing.

32- The shortness of breath is due to the affect on lung function.

33- Symptoms include heart palpitations, shortness of breath, and weakness.

34- shortness of breath turned into terrifying bouts of gasping for air.

35- Does shortness of breath occur only when wheezing?

36- Cheney was hospitalized for tests after experiencing shortness of breath five months later.

37- Some people develop palpitations, dizziness and shortness of breath.

38- Symptoms can include fever, chills and shortness of breath.

39- This causes shortness of breath, coughing, and wheezing.

40- You will probably have less heartburn and shortness of breath. Symptoms of a heart attack include chest pain, sweating, shortness of breath, and vomiting.

41- The patient has been exhibiting symptoms of chest pain and shortness of breath, and must be closely monitored at all times.

42- The patient has been exhibiting symptoms of chest pain, and shortness of breath, and must be closely monitored at all times.

43- The man complained of chest pain and shortness of breath, Aubert said.

44- Clinton was hospitalized after suffering chest pains and shortness of breath.

45- Chest pain was most common in men, while women were more likely to experience shortness of breath.

46- But not before adjusting the seat’s height, in what might be a cute, final dig at Stewart’s shortness.

47- I was experiencing shortness of breath, chest pains, lightheadedness, and dizziness, described Miller.

48- Inform you doctor immediately if you experience swollen face, tongue or larynx, shortness of breath, hypotension, shock, fever or skin reactions (urticaria, rash).

49- The main causes of adult laryngotracheal stenosis are: Presentation Symptoms can include, but are not limited to, dyspnea (shortness of breath) and stridor (wheezing).

50- When bronchial tubes are blocked, this condition develops and will cause patients to feel a shortness of breath.

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