shorthand in a sentence

Use ‘shorthand’ in a sentence | ‘shorthand’ example sentences

1- Learn shorthand for writing long electron configurations.

2- The keywords are shorthand for more detailed rules text.

3- The shorthand sentence is called an algebraic expression.

4- The first modern shorthand systems were geometric.

5- The command itself is shorthand for “switch user.

6- The downside of shorthand language is confusion .

7- Its form is merely a useful shorthand .

8- This shorthand notation makes a grammar more compact.

9- No labs have yet assigned them shorthand names.

10- American popular culture is also recognized in shorthand .

11- Characters breaking into song is a great shorthand .

12- The shorter birth year definitions are shorthand for fertility rates.

13- These attitudes have acquired their own shorthand titles.

14- The “Friedman view” is shorthand , obviously.

15- Get your shorthand skills sharpened and come through.

16- But shorthand and the compact mode are two separate ideas.

17- Have you ever tried to do shorthand ?

18- Using such a shorthand description leaves space for other topics.

19- So any shorthand for doing that is pure syntactic sugar.

20- A Lewis structure is a type of shorthand notation.

21- A shorthand link is associated with the registered URL.

22- Modern shorthand also appears to be graphically unrelated.

23- Additionally, in this period shorthand entered general usage.

24- I devised the name as a shorthand sales term.

25- Candidates may use any system of shorthand writing.

26- What they are basically is a form of pattern shorthand .

27- Howard used race as shorthand for physical characteristics and motivation.

28- Writers often use shorthand to denote units of measure.

29- Which is science shorthand for “it just happens.

30- This was a carefully weighted piece of TV shorthand .

31- They speak in shorthand to each other.

32- My shorthand doesn’t have the right symbols somehow.

33- It was a form of visual shorthand which suggested abstract concepts.

34- Therefore, Bob knows both shorthand and calculus.

35- There are some further shorthands usually used.

36- Logograms are used in modern shorthand to represent common words.

37- Modes are a shorthand term for “modulation”.

38- In 1952, shorthand and secretarial training were added.

39- These names provide a convenient shorthand for the Boolean operations.

40- It’s shorthand for what you are. I have decided to learn shorthand.

41- She took down the speech in shorthand.

42- His shorthand was, if I asked for cigarettes, send me a roll of film.

43- That’s the shorthand version of a game with a lifetime’s worth of twists and subplots.

44- While the date itself is not totally significant, it has become a shorthand for early January.

45- Carmen really should be shorthand for femicide, not “hot-blooded Gypsy women dancing on tables.”

46- The fancy term for treatments involved is assisted reproductive technology, the shorthand is IVF.

47- The shorthand sentence is called an algebraic expression.

48- TAD as an acronym * The internet shorthand for “Thanks, all done.

49- She was employed as a shorthand typist at Lever Brothers in Port Sunlight before marrying Harold Wilson on New Year’s Day, 1940.

50- Summary An example of a common shorthand notation for a Stability Derivative.

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