shortest in a sentence

Use ‘shortest’ in a sentence | ‘shortest’ example sentences

1- Multiple inputs are blended together using shortest path rotation blending.

2- Two inputs are blended using shortest path rotation blending.

3- The shortest fences are wooden picket types.

4- The shortest journey is usually of much less interest.

5- A shortest path dependency kernel for relation extraction.

6- His previous shortest outing was 1 innings in 2008.

7- Frequent calls are given the shortest codes.

8- Internet traffic almost always chooses the shortest physical path .

9- I used my shortest wide angle lens.

10- What is the shortest number of moves?

11- The shortest calculated delivery times for these cases are highlighted.

12- It is probably the shortest service record in history.

13- The shortest pregnancy was 39 days and the longest 76 days.

14- What is the shortest possible such time?

15- The shortest is the par – 3 fifth at 170 yards.

16- The highlighted scenario is the shortest route to success.

17- These are curves which locally join their points along shortest paths.

18- It was probably the shortest meeting they ever had.

19- The big challenge is in finding the shortest .

20- Finding the shortest path through a maze.

21- It was the second shortest career I had ever had.

22- The English notice is always the shortest .

23- The shortest path BS has been plagued previous SimCity .

24- The schedule totals are then sorted from longest to shortest .

25- The shortest possible path isn’t necessarily the best scoring one.

26- It had the shortest known period of 3.3 years.

27- This represents the shortest distance to the distributor.

28- Additional constraints exist for the shortest and longest pointing duration.

29- It is the shortest stage, lasting five to 30 minutes.

30- The next shortest is more than seven and a half minutes.

31- The best bet, and in shortest supply.

32- Find the shortest side of triangle ABC.

33- This is the shortest story in the book.

34- The team with shortest time would win.

35- The match was the shortest match of the night.

36- Ricky chose the shortest bamboo stick and he was playing.

37- The smallest and shortest procession of the night.

38- The railway branch was constructed in the shortest possible time.

39- The system recommends the service vehicles with the shortest path.

40- There is uncertainty about what was the shortest performance. We took the shortest way to the station.

41- What is the shortest route to the airport from here?Good company on the road is the shortest cut.

42- As far as I know, he is the shortest student in this school.

43- Victor Borge once said that laughter is the shortest distance between two people.

44- This new automobile navigation system allows your car to compute the shortest, easiest route to your destination.

45- According to our itinerary, the duration of the Los Angeles to Seattle flight is the shortest part of the trip.

46- dustThe shortest war in history was between Zanzibar and England in 1896.

47- Zanzibar surrendered after 38 minutes.

48- Bertolt Brecht once suggested that if there are obstacles, the shortest line between two points may be a crooked line.

49- The shortest scheduled air route in the world is between two small islands in the North of Scotland.

50- The total flight time is 1.

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