shortened in a sentence 3

Use ‘shortened’ in a sentence | ‘shortened’ example sentences

100- From a BMI of 30 and above a person’s life span is shortened.

101- By means of vowel elision, domnia became shortened to dumnea.

102- ” was shortened to “Do you feel sometimes that age is against you?

103- The UGMS name was shortened again to “Utah Geological Survey” in 1991.

104- ” This phrase was soon shortened to just “original motion picture soundtrack.

105- The buzz detection time for a single enemy bullet/unit is shortened from prequel.

106- In colloquial Tibetan Yartsa gunbu is often shortened to simply “bu” or “yartsa”.

107- Chronic schizophrenics with positive symptomatology have shortened EEG microstate durations.

108- Then on Waters’ 2002 tour, he played all nine parts like on record (although part 8 was shortened).

109- ” is shortened, not featuring the elements of “Listening To You”, nor the phrase “Go to the mirror”.

110- These newly-favored brick houses often featured shortened tandrotrano and elaborately carved verandas.

111- For revivals, the opera was shortened from three acts into two and 8 of the 17 characters were eliminated.

112- Since 2008, live coverage of Big Brother has been shortened during the day, until coming to a close in 2010.

113- The second reading was shortened to six hours, focusing mainly on working poets, both established and emerging.

114- The playing time may be shortened, particularly when younger players are involved, or for some tournament play.

115- He made many overdue repairs and renovations to the house, and shortened the windows on the east and west sides.

116- As Spain’s influence in the area diminished in the 19th century, the name was shortened to the current “Vancouver”.

117- This engine was only offered in Japan using the shortened sedan bodystyle, labeled as “2.0 Ti Exclusive” and “2.0 Ti”.

118- The name “Mkwawa” is derived from Mukwava, itself a shortened form of Mukwavinyika, meaning “conqueror of many lands”.

119- Messier, p.128 In mid-season, NHL President John Ziegler announced that Fuhr’s suspension had been shortened to sixty games.

120- Boys born to mothers with the highest levels of phthalates were 7 times more likely to have a shortened anogenital distance.

121- The Cubs responded by winning a pennant in the war-shortened season of 1918, where they played a part in another team’s curse.

122- The word “shime-daiko” comes from a larger word “tsukeshime-daiko” (付締め太鼓) often shortened to simply, “shime-daiko” or “shime.

123- Halloween (or Hallowe’en) is a shortened form of “All Hallow Even”, meaning “All Hallow’s Eve” coopted to be “All Saints’ Eve”.

124- ” (“The Guardian”, UK) shortened fragments of “Diary” for 1999 and 2000 were published in Russian and foreign media in 2006-2010.

125- Level designers have shortened or modified some areas of the game that “didn’t make any sense,” or were “tedious” in the original.

126- Circa 2000 the much-shortened wharf (due to landfill on the city end) functions as a dock for passenger ferries and sightseeing boats.

127- This was followed by a DVD of their performance at Huntingdon Hall in Worcester, and a shortened CD version as A Brilliant Light (2005).

128- Smaller flags called “swing flags” are shortened poles with large silks connected to them.

129- Binary Revolution Radio, often shortened to “BRR”, is one small part of the binrev community.

130- Voice samples and sound effects were severely limited, whether shortened or missing altogether.

131- The name Park ville came into common use after 1875 and was gradually shortened to its current form.

132- The chancel arch was widened and the east end was shortened by a bay and a new east window installed.

133- The series was renamed Ebert & Roeper at the Movies in 2000, and shortened to Ebert & Roeper in 2002.

134- The new scoring system shortened games to seven points and decided matches by the best of five games.

135- Eliogabalus was released in 1990, the shortened version of The Black Holes of My Mind was renamed “Mr.

136- The exhalation time (T low ) is shortened to usually less than one second to maintain alveoli inflation.

137- ”Durruh-Bund” got shortened as Daraban and now in further reduced form the word is pronounced as Draban.

138- This he initially called “Music from the Penguin Cafe”, later this was shortened to simply “Penguin Cafe”.

139- Chorus The songs chorus is heard heard three times throughout the song, and in shortened form two more times.

140- The band shortened their name to Slaughter in the early 1980s, and drastically changed both their look and sound.

141- Regular season The Sharks got off to a good start in the lockout-shortened season, winning 5 of their first 6 games.

142- Sozina tunnel shortened the journey from Podgorica to Bar to under half an hour and made the trip significantly safer.

143- The surplus income from capital assets cannot be shortened by the overall deductions through lump sum or actual expenses.

144- Personal Background The son of Russian immigrants, Burke was born Albert Burkenbilt, but he shortened his last name to Burke.

145- The school’s nickname is “The Fighting Falcons”, almost always shortened to “Falcons”, and its colors are red, white and black.

146- The Bills’ offense was anemic: it’s 200 points scored is the lowest total in the 1980s (excluding the strike-shortened 1982 season ).

147- Chasing Eva was originally released as a double album, but was later re-released with a shortened track list and new artwork as in 2004.

148- Russell E. Miller, Light on the Hill, Volume I, p 536 By the 1960s, the name had shortened simply to “Crane Theological School” by the 1960s.

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