shortcomings in a sentence

Use ‘shortcomings’ in a sentence | ‘shortcomings’ example sentences

1- The automatic number plate recognition has its shortcomings .

2- Of course the program has familiar shortcomings .

3- But within those qualities there are shortcomings .

4- The current study has several shortcomings that deserve mentioning.

5- Dickens’s familiar shortcomings are abundantly exemplified.

6- This will help tackle problems and shortcomings .

7- This presentation addresses two fundamental shortcomings in marketing presentations.

8- Major shortcomings were evident on the clinical level.

9- This book helps to overcome these shortcomings .

10- What happens in case of serious shortcomings ?

11- Previous assessments had diverse shortcomings that made them unreliable.

12- Your ability to project your own shortcomings is amazingly accurate.

13- Some found shortcomings in an academic education.

14- But those are minor shortcomings in a rewarding film.

15- Members were expected to confess their shortcomings .

16- This concise term has other shortcomings besides the theological objection.

17- We constantly admit our academic and intellectual shortcomings .

18- We have addressed old shortcomings through this project .

19- It had many shortcomings and attracted little developer and partner support .

20- These shortcomings are indicators of gaps in disciple making.

21- He pointed out several shortcomings regarding good research practice.

22- Everyone has their own shortcomings , nobody is perfect.

23- Dr Lawrence said the internal investigation had shortcomings .

24- Manual testing’s shortcomings appear more and more obvious.

25- These shortcomings don’t negate either technique.

26- The medical establishment has acknowledged shortcomings of BMI.

27- Indeed, the private security industry faces various shortcomings .

28- As history shows, there are shortcomings in democracy.

29- The report suggested that there were severe shortcomings in police tactics.

30- There are some annoying shortcomings in the interface.

31- Be honest about your own flaws and shortcomings .

32- It analyzes the merits and shortcomings of corporate social responsibility.

33- Although this guide has appeal, it too has shortcomings .

34- Similar shortcomings are likely also present in other areas.

35- We especially like to fix our social shortcomings .

36- Its worth the money just has some shortcomings .

37- It is crucial to consider the consequences of such shortcomings .

38- No shortcomings of significance are evident in controls or systems.

39- There are several fundamental shortcomings in the report’s recommendations.

40- They seem to have corrected these shortcomings . Dickens’s familiar shortcomings are abundantly exemplified.

41- We should be conscious of our shortcomings.

42- From the practical point of view, there are many shortcomings in his plan.

43- There is a French proverb which states that while we keep a man waiting, he reflects on our shortcomings.

44- Voting was extended through Sunday to make up for these shortcomings.

45- Douglas went on to call her a “lady” and alluded to his shortcomings.

46- You’ll stew in your office, picking apart the new hire’s shortcomings.

47- The ombudsman’s report identified several shortcomings in the way government handled the case.

48- DW asked controversial Algerian author Boualem Sansal about the shortcomings of Western politics.

49- Despite weaknesses and shortcomings , however, the fight against acquisitive crime continues apace.

50- Too close an identification will blind us to the shortcomings of the institutional Church, so that church growth becomes denominational aggrandisement .

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