shopping in a sentence 3

Use ‘shopping’ in a sentence | ‘shopping’ example sentences

101- A new shopping mall opened on the edge of town.

102- I put the shopping bag on the table with a thud.

103- It being rainy today, let’s cancel our shopping.

104- Did you check all the items on the shopping list?

105- She finished her lunch quickly and went shopping.

106- We wandered aimlessly around the shopping district.

107- Please tell her I’ll come after I do some shopping.

108- Please, by all means, drop in when you go shopping.

109- I stayed at the hotel, but the others went shopping.

110- I indulged in some dutyfree shopping at the airport.

111- Mother often makes me go shopping at the supermarket.

112- I’ll be going shopping in the latter part of the week.

113- Please drop by when you go out for shopping sometimes.

114- She went shopping, leaving her little child all alone.

115- We told our bus guide that we preferred to go shopping.

116- Prices vary with each store, so do your shopping wisely.

117- This shopping district is the only high street in the local areaHe mentioned to me that he would go shopping in Shibuya.

118- I don’t have any clothes for when I go clothes shopping.

119- I was just about to go out shopping when you telephoned.

120- She suggested that we go shopping to Motomachi next Sunday.

121- My mother does her usual shopping on her way home from work.

122- I waited on a bench in the mall while my wife went shopping.

123- I went to the department store to do some shopping yesterday.

124- I like shopping in usedbook stores and in usedclothing shops.

125- The shopping arcade was covered with lots of paper decorations.

126- Yesterday my bicycle was stolen while I was doing some shopping.

127- A big shopping mall is a virtual heaven for my teenage daughter.

128- I told her once and for all that I would not go shopping with her.

129- The housing complex is conveniently located near a shopping plaza.

130- Find someone who lives adjacent to a park or shopping center.

131- adjustThe tourists as well as local people come to the square for shopping.

132- She added, as an afterthought, that she was going to do some shopping.

133- My contemporaries are, working, shopping, out and about, all the time.

134- Whenever she goes shopping, she ends up buying more than she can afford.

135- In contrast to her, her husband didn’t seem to be enjoying the shopping.

136- We didn’t do much last night, we just wandered around town window-shopping.

137- Today I’m shopping in town as well as running an errand for my grandmother.

138- They want to build a new shopping mall in an area which is presently forest.

139- Whenever I get ready to go shopping, he invariably starts getting on my back.

140- We visited the super-expensive shopping district when we were in L.

141- A.

142- Discussion question: When shopping for clothes, do you prefer quality or a good bargain?Cynthia Nelms once remarked that if men liked shopping, they’d call it research.

143- Going shopping doesn’t really appeal to me, I’d rather go for a walk in the park.

144- The artists picked up a lot of useful art supplies while shopping in the big city.

145- Bina was robbed of her gold rings and necklace by an armed man while out shopping.

146- The city is planning to drain the swamp to build a new shopping center on the site.

147- He was deceived by the late night television shopping network and paid high prices.

148- My neighbor was a victim of a thief who stole her purse while she was out shopping.

149- As I didn’t have time to go shopping today, I had to make do with a sandwich for dinner.

150- Al Clethen once joked, “shopping tip: You can get shoes for 85 cents at bowling alleys.

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